Chapter 1630 Helpless (1)

The fire burned up.

A few catties of wild wild boar were divided into several portions, which is really not much, but everyone roasted it very happily and ate deliciously. Yang Zimei, who usually does not drink wine, drank several glasses happily under the urging of Grandpa Zhuge .

Seeing that she was drinking well, Grandpa Zhuge was even happier, singing and dancing like a child.

In order to let everyone enjoy the meal, Zhuge Yue went out again and brought over dozens of catties of beef, mutton and donkey.

Everyone is well fed.

Even Rong He, who has always been picky about food, let go of his appetite to eat, and his words were full of wit and humor.

Yang Zimei looked at his grandfather's rare joyful expression, and thought to himself how he was so handsome and energetic when he was young.

No wonder grandma ignored other suitors in favor of grandpa.

After drinking and eating, Grandpa Zhuge strongly asked Yang Zimei to bring Long Zhutian here and let him have a look.

Yang Zimei was a little embarrassed.

Long Zhutian doesn't like this kind of gathering.

What's more, Grandpa Zhuge has a purpose.

"If you don't bring him here, then I'll go see him in person!"

Grandpa Zhuge stood up and said, "Let's go."

"Grandpa, let me talk to him first."

Yang Zimei said hastily.

"Grandpa, I have known Long Zhutian since I was one year old and in kindergarten. His temper is not as bad as usual. You still don't need to meet him, and you won't see anything when you meet him."

Zhuge Yue said from the side.

"Stinky boy! You have known him for a long time, why didn't you tell him earlier?"

Grandpa Zhuge patted Zhuge Yue's shoulder, "I've been thinking about that portrait for hundreds of years, and I've always wondered who he is!"

Zhuge Yue felt a little wronged, "You haven't shown me this album, how do I know that Long Zhutian looks similar to the portraits thousands of years ago?"

"Brat, talk back!"

Grandpa Zhuge slapped Zhuge Yue again.

Zhuge Yue ran behind Yang Zimei and called for help.

Grandpa Zhuge was still chasing him, the two chased around Yang Zimei, everyone was shocked.

Yang Zimei also finds it funny, having such a super old man in the family is something that makes life full of fun.

"Grandpa, I'll go back and talk to Zhuge Tian first. If there is any situation, I will notify Zhuge Yue and ask him to tell you."

Yang Zimei saw that it was getting late, and it was time to go back.

"Just call my cell phone!"

Grandpa Zhuge took out a brand new mobile phone, which turned out to be the latest Samsung mobile phone.

Yang Zimei thought that an expert like him who had been living here for decades didn't need a modern communication tool like a mobile phone.

Unexpectedly, people are still very wet.

However, it is estimated that Zhuge Yue sent him.

Grandpa Zhuge asked Yang Zimei for her cell phone number.

Yang Zimei reported the truth.

He skillfully entered Yang Zimei's mobile phone number, but the note made Yang Zimei sweat again.

"Grandpa, I'm not a little goddess, I'm Yang Zimei, you can also call me Niuniu like my family."

"I said you are a little goddess, you are a little goddess, if you have so many opinions, go to the toilet to raise them."

Grandpa Zhuge muttered, and dialed Yang Zimei's cell phone, "Girl, this is my number, if you remember anything, please contact me immediately, I'll be waiting for you."


Yang Zimei was very helpless.

For an old man with a temperament like a child, there is no way to change it to anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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