Chapter 1631 Helpless (2)

Zhuge Mingzhu and Zhuge Yue took Yang Zimei and the others out again, and walked into Zhuge's house.

Yang Zimei said goodbye.

Zhuge Yue sent them to the door.

As soon as the wooden man saw Yang Zimei, he turned around and walked away as if he saw an enemy, even though Zhuge Yue told him to come over and open the door, he refused to answer.

"My wooden man has always been well-behaved and obedient, did you do anything to it?"

Zhuge Yue looked at Yang Zimei suspiciously and asked.

Yang Zimei gritted his teeth, "Before it was itchy, I sealed its consciousness."

"No wonder!"

Zhuge Yue stuck out his tongue, "It has guarded the door for our family for at least 1000 years, and has never encountered any trouble. Now that you have come here, you have given it a hard time and embarrassed it. No wonder it ignores you. "

"Hehe, who made it pretend to be a ghost in front of me, saying that it is the third generation of intelligent wooden people or something like that."

Yang Zimei said with a smile.

"Haha, what it said fooled many people. Before I was in high school, I was also deceived by it, thinking that it was really a smart wooden man made with high technology."

Zhuge Yue laughed loudly and said, "It probably never thought of it in its dreams, but you are an expert, and you are not such a little girl who can be easily fooled."

"You are wrong, I am easily deceived."

Yang Zimei blinked slyly, "For example, I was deceived by you."

"I lied to you? Even if you give me a thousand guts, I wouldn't dare to lie to you."

Zhuge Yue yelled with a look of injustice.

"Come on, you not only lied to me, you also lied to people all over the world."

Yang Zimei rolled his eyes, "It's obvious that you have a lot of knowledge, but you still pretend to be an unlearned and ignorant dude who eats, drinks, and has no skills. I seriously despise you!"

"That's just your illusion, haha. As for the way, no matter how deep I am, I'm still very shallow in front of you, a little goddess. How can I dare to fight against others?"

Zhuge Yue laughed out loud.

"Don't call me little goddess, I'm terrified to hear this name."

Yang Zimei said in a broken voice.

"Okay, I won't call you a little goddess, but a little fairy, okay?"

Zhuge Yue returned to his cynical taste, "My beautiful little fairy, do you want me to send you back home?"


Yang Zimei spat at him, "Little fairy! I'm Yang Zimei, Rong He's granddaughter!"

"Speaking rudely, it seems that she is really not a little fairy."

Zhuge Yue deliberately nodded with a look of sudden realization, "It's very similar to those little ladies on the street!"

"Roll rough!"

Yang Zimei rolled his eyes at him.

"Little sister, this is my family, unless you marry me and become a part of my family, you can say hello!"

Zhuge Yue said with a playful smile.


Yang Zimei rolled his eyes at him, "Don't forget, I'm your friend's wife!"

"Nowadays it is not popular that friends' wives cannot be bullied, but that it is popular to poach friends' corners!"

Zhuge Yue said with a bad smile.

"you dare?"

Suddenly, a sullen, dull male voice came from outside the gate.

Zhuge Yue and Yang Zimei were taken aback, and shouted at the same time, "Zhutian?"

Yang Zimei hurriedly opened the door.

Sure enough, Long Zhutian was standing outside the door.

He had a gloomy face, and those dark eyes were staring fiercely at Zhuge Yue.

Zhuge Yue felt like being pierced by two swords, and his back became stiff and chilly.

"Ahaha, day by day—"

After all, Zhuge Yue is Zhuge Yue, and his on-the-spot reaction was quick. He quickly returned to normal, and said to Long Zhutian with a smile, "I really don't dare, even if I have the guts to pry into your wall, your sister won't." Maybe let me pry it, she is loyal to you."

(End of this chapter)

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