Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1639 Can a broken mirror be reunited

Chapter 1639 Can a broken mirror be reunited (6)

Therefore, he was scolded by his father even more, saying that he was raising him for nothing.

He, who has never received a little love from his father, has had countless doubts, and even secretly longs in his heart that that is not his biological father.

Unexpectedly, one day, his mother told him that his biological father was really someone else.

His heart was relieved all of a sudden, and all the grievances in the past disappeared.

He forgave his father for all the bad things he did to him.

Because he is not his biological son, he raised him, which is not bad.

Seeing his grandpa bursting into tears with excitement, Yang Zimei's heart was also astringent and sweet.

"Do you still like Niuniu?"

In order to avoid embarrassment, Yang Qing changed the subject.

"I like it. Thank you for giving me such a good granddaughter."

Rong He said very sincerely.

"Ha ha--"

Yang Qing smiled, and didn't know what time would be good.

The phone fell silent again.

"Father, why don't I go back and pick you all up to the capital to have fun together, to see grandpa and our Rong family? Okay?"

Yang Zimei asked into the phone.


Yang Qing was a little embarrassed.

He really wanted to see his biological father in the capital, but what about the one in the family?
And mother, are you willing to go together?

"It's okay, I have a way to deal with the grandfather at home."

Yang Zimei knew his concerns.

"Where's your grandma? Will she go with her?"

"This one……"

Regarding grandma's stubbornness, Yang Zimei was not sure at all.

I don't even know if she can allow her family to come and recognize their ancestors.

"Or, I'll go to City A to see you."

Rong He said from the side, "To save you from walking so hard."

"That's right, Dad, I'll go back with grandpa, you send that grandpa back to the countryside first."

"This one……"

Yang Qing was a little embarrassed, "How can I send him back to the countryside?"

"Give him 1 yuan and let him go back to his hometown to eat, drink and have fun for a week. He will definitely agree."

Yang Zimei felt that the most direct and effective way to deal with the grandfather at home was money

"1 yuan? You don't need that much in the countryside, 1000 yuan is enough."

Yang Qing gets up early and works in the dark every day, money is hard to come by, even if he knows that he is not short of money, he usually saves money on food and expenses, and is not willing to spend more unnecessary money.

Now, Niuniu asks herself to give 1 yuan to her father to spend a week back home.

He really felt sorry for the money.

What's more, for a person like your father, no matter how much you give him, he won't spare you.

In his mind, Yang Zimei's money came too easily, so he had to spend it.

In the past few days, Niuniu was not around, so he asked himself for money every day, saying he wanted to play cards.

Yang Qing has always lived a strict life, and he is very disgusted with things like gambling.

Therefore, he did not give a penny.

In the end, his father secretly sold Yang Zimei's antique vase at home, which drove him mad, so he had to buy the vase back from others at a high price, so that Niuniu would not know the pain.

What annoyed him the most was that his father gambled away the 5 yuan he stole from buying an antique vase in one day, and today he was thinking about selling other valuable things.

Knowing what he was thinking, Yang Qing locked up all the valuables and hid them.

"If you don't give me a penny, what's the use of raising you, a white-eyed wolf son?" Yang Bai found that all the valuables were gone, so he scolded, "If you don't give me money, I'll call Niuniu and tell you I'm going to sell the whole house to see if she will give me money."

Yang Qing was worried that Niu Niu would be mad at this superb grandpa, so he hurriedly gave him 500 yuan.

Yang Bo thinks too little, so he picks on his wife in every possible way.

Out of sight is pure, Yang Qing had no choice but to give him another five hundred.

Satisfied, Yang Bofang took the money and went out to play cards.

(End of this chapter)

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