Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1640 Can the broken mirror be reunited

Chapter 1640 Can the broken mirror be reunited (7)

"Dad, money is not an important issue now."

Yang Zimei persuaded, "If 1 yuan can send him back to the countryside for a week, we should be thankful."

Yang Qing thought for a while and agreed, "Well, I'll try."

"Then let's go back tomorrow morning."

Considering Rong He's eagerness to see her son, Yang Zimei decided to take her grandfather back early tomorrow morning.

"Niuniu, let's catch the plane now."

She didn't expect Rong He to be even more anxious.


Yang Zimei hesitated, "But dad hasn't sent that grandpa away yet."

Yang Zimei said in a bit of embarrassment.

"It's okay, I can live in City A first and see where you live."

Rong He looked at Yang Zimei expectantly and said.

At this moment, his mood is to fly to City A immediately, to meet the son he has never met, and Zeng Hui, who he has missed for more than 40 years.


Yang Zimei didn't hesitate anymore.

In this world, what is more important than family reunion?
As grandpa said, today we don't know what will happen tomorrow.

The reunion is an important matter, and it must be carried out immediately.

Anyway, she has another house of her own, even if Grandpa Yang Bai refuses to go back to the countryside, their family can still be reunited in her own house.

"That's great, Niuniu, I'll go and book two plane tickets right away."

Tolerant and impatient.


Yang Zimei thought that there were still a lot of people behind her, could she leave them and go back first?
"Niuniu, this is a matter for our family, and I haven't overcome my psychological barrier to Long Zhutian, so I don't really want to go with him."

Rong He thought she wanted to be with Long Zhutian, so he said hastily.

Yang Zimei glanced at him and nodded slightly.

Grandpa has seen Long Zhutian become a demonic murderer, and it is indeed difficult for him to overcome his psychological barrier, and she will not force him, as long as he does not use this matter to hinder himself and Long Zhutian relationship is sufficient.

I don't have much time to be alone with my grandfather, let's just let Long Zhutian and the others book another flight back home.

Or let them stay here, anyway, I still have to bring grandpa back in a few days.

Ronghe called to book a plane ticket.

Yang Zimei also called Long Zhutian and Xuehu respectively to explain the situation.

"Let's stay in the capital and wait for your situation. It's not easy for your family to be alone."

Long Zhutian said.

Snow Lake also said the same.

Even Xiaoqian didn't bother to go back with her.

Yang Zimei and Ronghe got on the plane back to Guangyuan.

This was the first time for the grandpa and grandson to fly alone. Yang Zimei hugged her grandpa's shoulder tightly, feeling very warm, especially when grandpa asked her whether she was warm or hungry, which made her feel very happy.

While Ronghe was going to the bathroom, a girl who was sitting in front of her in a non-mainstream dress was blowing gum bubbles and turned to her and said, "Your grandpa is so talkative, are you annoying? My grandparents are also the same. , I’m babbling on and on every day, it makes my ears callused, it’s so annoying!”

Yang Zimei smiled, "It is your happiness to have relatives nagging you like this, not annoyance."

"Heh! Look at what you said, it's the same as what my grandfather said, you can pretend to be a white lotus, I don't believe that you don't bother your grandfather."

The girl sneered disdainfully.

(End of this chapter)

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