Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1641 Can the broken mirror be reunited

Chapter 1641 Can the broken mirror be reunited (8)

"I'm not annoyed at all. It's a blessing to have grandpa by my side, no matter how long-winded you are."

Yang Zimei said emotionally.

"Stop pretending!"

The girl turned pale like Yang Zimei, "What I hate the most is your white lotus who pretends to be filial and innocent. I'm too lazy to talk to you. I'll listen to the earphones. My mother finally escaped from the shadow of her grandparents nagging. It makes me really upset to see your grandpa babbling again!"

Yang Zimei ignored her.

She knows that there are many important people and things in this world that are not cherished, and that is because they have always had them and never tried the pain of losing them.

Just like this girl.

Her grandparents have always cared for her, but she has become a burden and a nuisance.

Yang Zimei looked at the girl sadly, and she found that the girl's face showed an ominous sign that she would lose her grandparents.

Therefore, she couldn't help but said to the girl, "Sister, call your grandparents after getting off the plane, and take care of them."

"Call them? Listen to their long-winded? Are you kidding me! I said sister, you are not a year older than me, why do you like to meddle so much? It's none of your business whether I call my grandparents Woolen cloth?"

The girl rolled her eyes impatiently, then plugged in the earphones and immersed herself in her music space.

As for her grandparents, she doesn't want to see them this summer vacation, lest she will be tedious to death, and she will not be free to change her hairstyle and clothes.

Hearing what she said, Yang Zimei couldn't say anymore.

She only hoped that this girl would think of her grandparents' long-windedness after many years, and realize how warm and precious that was.

When Ronghe came back from the bathroom, he was followed by an old lady.

The old lady was dressed simply and did not wear any luxurious jewelry, but it was difficult to conceal her calm posture and elegant and noble temperament.

"Mrs. Lei, this is my granddaughter sister."

Ronghe introduced to the old lady.

Yang Zimei stood up hastily, and greeted politely, "Mrs. Lei!"

"What a cute and beautiful girl, much more sensible than my Siyan."

Madam Lei smiled and nodded at Yang Zimei.

Hearing someone praise his granddaughter, Rong He was very happy and showed a proud expression.

"Mr. Rong, I really didn't expect that we would be on the same flight. We haven't seen each other for more than 40 years. I really want to have a good chat with you."

Madam Lei looked at Yang Zimei expectantly.

Her gaze was obvious, she just wanted Yang Zimei to take the initiative to give up her seat and let her sit with Ronghe.

Yang Zimei could see that Mrs. Lei looked at Grandpa very differently, and there was some kind of affection in it.

However, Rong He didn't know it himself.

In his mind, the relationship between them was just that of classmates.

Of course, Mrs. Lei had told him very cryptically before that she liked him and wanted to be with him.

He also politely refused, saying that he already had someone he liked, so she stopped mentioning it and soon married Lei Yida, the richest man in the capital.

This is clearly her grandma's rival in love, so Yang Zimei wouldn't be so stupid.

Therefore, she pretended not to see the meaning in Mrs. Lei's eyes, but said sweetly to her, "Grandpa, the plane is shaking a bit. It's dangerous for you to stand like this."


Rong He nodded, and politely said to Mrs. Lei, "Mrs. Lei, we will catch up when we have time, so you should hurry back to your seat."

(End of this chapter)

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