Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1642 Can the broken mirror be reunited

Chapter 1642 Can the broken mirror be reunited (9)

Mrs. Lei found out that Yang Zimei didn't understand the meaning of her eyes, so she simply pointed it out, "Xiaomei, be good, your grandfather and I are old classmates, and we want to chat together, can I wrong you to sit in my seat?"

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Lei, it's very rare for me to be with grandpa. This is the first time I fly with grandpa, and I cherish this moment very much."

Yang Zimei said politely.

She had already talked to this point, and Mrs. Lei was too embarrassed to let her make way, so she had to bid farewell to Rong He in disappointment, and returned to her seat to do a good job.

Rong He sat down beside Yang Zimei.

"Grandpa, do you also want to sit with that Mrs. Lei?"

Yang Zimei looked at Rong He and asked.

"Hehe, silly girl, she and I are just old classmates we haven't seen for many years, and we have nothing to talk about. What Grandpa wants most is to have sex with you. I was very nervous just now, and I was afraid that you would give way."

Rong He smiled, reached out and touched her head, "I didn't expect you to be so clever."

"Hey, don't forget what my real job is."

Yang Zimei smiled and said, "I can tell at a glance that she likes you and wants to rekindle the old relationship with you."

Ronghe said awkwardly, "Niuniu, look at your nonsense, between me and her, there has always been only a relationship between classmates, and there is no old relationship. In my whole life, I have only loved Huihui."

"I know that Goddess has a heart, and King Xiang has no dreams. You are not interested in her, but she still looks at you with burning eyes, so Grandpa, you have to stay away from others, otherwise, I will be angry for grandma."

Yang Zimei said.

"Hehe, you child."

Rong He smiled and shook his head.

As for Mrs. Lei, who was sitting on the other side, she couldn't hear what they were talking about, but she still didn't leave Rong He's eyes for a moment.

Back then, she was young and arrogant, as the school belle, she let go of her girlish reserve and confessed to the elegant him, but unexpectedly, she was rejected by him.

In order to save her own face and get angry, she agreed to her family's request and married Lei Yida, the richest man who was young and wealthy at the time.

After marriage, Lei Yida also took good care of her, pampered her endlessly, and let her take whatever she wanted.

However, this does not offset her crush on Ronghe.

She didn't know who Rong He fell in love with, she only knew that he had never been married, and he opened a very delicious Rong He Zhai, which specializes in peach blossom cakes.

The peach blossom cake tasted like the taste of love, very beautiful, so she asked people to line up to buy it every day.

Later, I heard that Rong He suddenly became a monk and became a monk, and Rong He Zhai also replaced his younger brother to run the business.

Although the peach blossom cake was still delicious, it lacked the wonderful taste of love, so she never tasted it again.

No one has ever known who Rong He liked, who he was waiting for, and who he became a monk for. Therefore, she secretly thought in her heart that the person he was waiting for was herself.

When I confessed my love to him that day, he only said that he already has someone he likes.

Being proud, she left quickly, didn't hear who he said she liked, and hurriedly married.

The more she thought about it, the more suspicious she became. Maybe the person he said he liked was herself?

She comes from a famous family, knows everything about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, is beautiful and generous, and has strong abilities in all aspects. There is almost no boy who doesn't like her.

She believes that Ronghe is no exception.

Maybe it was because his quick marriage broke his heart?

Therefore, he regretted becoming a monk, right?

(End of this chapter)

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