Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1643 Can the broken mirror be reunited

Chapter 1643 Can the broken mirror be reunited (10)

But, why did Ronghe suddenly have a granddaughter?
He adopted it?
Or his brother?

She looked at Rong and the two grandparents suspiciously, watching them talking and laughing, she really wished that the seat next to him was hers, and she could talk and laugh with him all the way.

The plane soon landed at Guangyuan Airport.

Yang Zimei went to Zeng Tianhua's house to drive her Land Rover.

Zeng Tianhua used to be classmates with Rong He, so he was very surprised to see Yang Zimei walking with him.

"Uncle, he is my real grandfather."

Yang Zimei introduced to Zeng Tianhua.

When Zeng Tianhua heard this, he was startled for a while, then he jumped up roughly, and raised his fist to hit Rong He.

Yang Zimei hurriedly stopped her, "Uncle, what are you doing?"

"Niuniu, don't ask me why, this bastard used to look like a scholar, but I never thought that he would trick Huihui and ruin her for the rest of her life. Don't stop me, I'm going to beat him to death today! "

Zeng Tianhua spit at Ronghe with resentment all over his face.

Rong He remained silent.

"Uncle, what happened in the past has already passed. At that time, they were young and vigorous, they didn't know how to control themselves, and something went wrong. Now, he is my only grandfather. In terms of blood relationship, he is much closer than you. If you dare to hit my grandfather, I will not be polite to you."

Yang Zimei said seriously.

"Niuniu, he killed your grandma!"

Zeng Tianhua continued to say angrily.

"If it wasn't like this, my dad wouldn't be able to marry my mom, and there wouldn't be me in this world."

Yang Zimei smiled and said, "There are causes and effects for many things. What's more, it's not just grandpa who is wrong, but also grandma. If grandma wasn't too stubborn and cares about face, would she be in this situation today? What's more, even if you beat my grandpa to death now, you still can't turn back time to more than 40 years ago and let her live a happy life again!"

"This one……"

Zeng Tianhua was speechless by Yang Zimei's words.

Indeed, a big mistake has already been made, no matter what you do, it will be irreversible.

He really never dreamed that it would be Rong He who would drag Zeng Hui's life.

At that time, Rong He was a decent person, never had any ambiguous behaviors with women, and kept a certain distance from all women, even Sun Yan, the school belle at that time, who was Mrs. Lei, was chasing after him, and he avoided it far away.

Unexpectedly, such a man who seemed to be insulated from women actually enlarged the stomach of his innocent cousin.

You really can't tell what you look like!


Rong He said to Zeng Tianhua guiltily, "I was indeed impulsive that day and ruined Huihui's life. Even if you wanted to kill me, I would have no complaints."

"I have complaints."

Yang Zimei defended herself, "If you are beaten to death, I will become a granddaughter again without grandpa's love."

Zeng Tianhua looked at her.

He also knew that he was extremely lacking in grandpa's love.

Seeing how their grandparents look now, they are very harmonious.

In front of Rong He, Yang Zimei seemed to have regained her charming, self-willed and frankness like a little girl, unlike before, with her mature and mature appearance.

"Well, for Niuniu's sake, I don't want to say anything more. I just hope that you can make up for them in the remaining days."

Zeng Tianhua said helplessly.

"I certainly will."

Rong He said very sincerely, "I will do my best to love them with all my heart, and make up for my lack in the past."

(End of this chapter)

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