Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1649 Can the broken mirror be reunited

Chapter 1649 Can the broken mirror be reunited (16)

Yang Zimei returned to her house and went to the room where Rong He was sleeping.

The sleeping grandpa looked peaceful, with a sweet smile on his lips, looking very satisfied.

Was he dreaming of a family reunion?
Yang Zimei sat on the edge of the bed, looking at her grandfather guiltily.

She had hoped too much for him, and was really worried that it would bring even greater disappointment.

"Grandpa, what should you do if grandma refuses to see you?"

Yang Zimei said secretly in her heart.

Perhaps because of feeling something, Rong He opened his eyes, saw Yang Zimei, and hurriedly got up, "Niu Niu, is it dawn?"

"It's only five o'clock. Grandpa, sleep longer."

Yang Zimei put his hand on Rong He's shoulder and said.

"It's five o'clock, and grandpa won't go to bed. Grandpa always wakes up at this point."

Ronghe got out of bed.

Yang Zimei picked up the unlined clothes next to him and put them on him, "Grandpa, it's rather cold here in the morning, you should keep warm."

"I am so happy to have my granddaughter clothe me!"

Rong He looked at Yang Zimei with a satisfied face and said.

"I am also very happy to be able to help grandpa put on clothes."

Yang Zimei said sincerely.

Both of them have experienced the loneliest and unaccompanied, so they both understand this hard-won family relationship.

After Yang Zimei waited on her grandfather to wash up, she took his arm and prepared to go out to visit the morning market in City A.

This is also a rare peace and happiness for grandparents and grandchildren.

There are also many old people who get up early and take a walk by the river.

"Brother, I've never seen you before, are you new here?"

When an old man saw Rong He, he greeted him enthusiastically.

"Yes, I just came here."

Answer with a smile.

"Look at your Beijing accent, are you from the capital? Is this girl your granddaughter?"

"Yes, my granddaughter!"

Speaking of granddaughter, Rong He felt particularly proud and satisfied.

"Brother, you are so lucky. My granddaughter is willing to take a walk with you so early. My granddaughter, let alone take a walk with me, even talking to me is annoying."

The old man looked at Rong He with envy.

"Yes, my granddaughter is very sensible and filial!"

The way Rong He looked at Yang Zimei was full of pampering and satisfaction.

The other old people also looked at Rong He enviously.

"Niuniu, have you ever walked with that grandpa like this before?"

Rong He suddenly asked.


"I'm so happy!"

Rong He said.

"I am also very happy to have my grandpa by my side."

Yang Zimei put her arms around her grandfather's shoulders tightly, and came to a place where she ate beef brisket noodles, and had breakfast with her grandfather.

The two ate happily, maybe it was a psychological effect, Yang Zimei felt that today's beef brisket noodles were particularly delicious.

However, it seemed that she wasn't alone. Someone next to her said, "After the shop changed its owner, the beef brisket powder is very delicious. I have to eat it every day. I feel very uncomfortable if I don't eat it for a day."

"Me too, I have to eat three times a day. If I don't eat it, my mind will be full of beef brisket noodles, and I want to doze off. Only after eating, I will be more energetic!"

Listening to these discussions, Yang Zimei suddenly felt very unusual.

She closed her eyes, carefully identified the ingredients inside, and found that there was a special fragrance in it, which was very different, and it was not a seasoning that she usually saw.

Ronghe also felt something unusual and put down his chopsticks.

"Niu Niu, don't eat it. I suspect it contains poppy powder. Eating it will make people addicted."

Rong He whispered to Yang Zimei.

Although his voice was small, it was still heard by a person who was paying close attention to them.

(End of this chapter)

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