Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1650 Can the broken mirror be reunited

Chapter 1650 Can the broken mirror be reunited (17)

"What? There's poppy in this powder? No wonder I'm addicted to it!"

He slapped the table loudly and shouted, attracting everyone's attention.

When everyone heard that it contained poppy powder, and then thought of the fact that they had to eat it every day and would feel uncomfortable if they didn't eat it, they became suspicious and accused them angrily.

The shopkeeper's entire face was blackened, and he asked several guys to surround the man who spoke loudly just now, and arrested him, saying that he would be taken to the police station and sued for defamation!

"The chief of police is my old cousin. If you dare to talk nonsense, I will let you squat for a few years."

The shopkeeper said fiercely to everyone, and then kicked the person who spoke just now.

The people who eat breakfast are all old people, timid and timid, so they dare not hum.

"They said it, not me!"

The kicked person pointed at Rong He and said in panic.

The shop owner surrounded Rong and the two grandparents again, clamoring to arrest Rong and go to the police station, and sell Yang Zimei to become a young lady.

"It's absolutely lawless!"

How could Ronghe be afraid of this, he slapped the table and cursed, "You dare to touch my granddaughter's hair!"

Hearing his non-local accent, the shopkeeper became even more fearless, and said sharply, "Hit me! I will be responsible if you beat me to death! Even a foreigner wants to hit me, and I want you to know how to write the word "death!"

When Yang Zimei heard this, she was on fire!

She can bear anything, but she can't bear others to treat the people she cares about badly!
What's more, this is her dear grandpa!
She didn't bother to say a word, and the chopsticks in her hand shot out, hitting his cramp point.

"The Chief of Police is your cousin?"

Yang Zimei asked with a cold snort.

The owner of the store was forced into the cramping point by the chopsticks, and his whole body was twitching continuously, looking very strange.

"Yes, you stinky girl, I will let my old cousin lock you up for a few years, what have you done to me?"

The shopkeeper asked sharply while twitching.

"Didn't do anything, call your old cousin, and I'll see if he wants to lock me up for a few years."

Yang Zimei sneered, "You use poppy powder in this store, causing everyone to become addicted to it. Let's see who will be locked up."

It's not that she doesn't know Huang Sheng, the chief of the police station. In front of her, shouldn't she be humbled?

"You mother wait for me!"

The owner of the store called Huang Sheng, "Old Cousin, my store is in trouble, please send some people over."

Yang Zimei snorted coldly, and sat down very calmly.

Soon, the roar of a police car came from outside.

Huang Sheng rushed in with several police officers.

"Old cousin, they are the ones making trouble, you should arrest them and lock them up for a few years, especially that stinky girl!"

The owner's hand was twitching as he said to Huang Sheng.

Huang Sheng looked at Yang Zimei and recognized her immediately. He hurried forward and greeted her respectfully, "Master Yang, are you back? Long time no see, you are getting more and more beautiful."

"Hehe, Director Huang, are you safe? You are the one who covers this shop?"

Yang Zimei asked coldly.

The shop owner's eyes widened when he saw his old cousin not only ignoring him, but humiliating to Yang Zimei.

"Old cousin, do you know her?"

"Asshole, I'm on business now, please call me Director Huang. In City A, you don't have to know the mayor or the secretary, but you have to know her."

Huang Sheng sternly said to the shopkeeper with a businesslike look.

Seeing his face, the owner's heart sank, knowing that he might run into a master this time.

(End of this chapter)

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