Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1662 Can the broken mirror be reunited

Chapter 1662 Can the broken mirror be reunited (29)

Zeng Hui looked at Yang Zimei with strange eyes, with a hurt look on his face.

She knew that Yang Zimei was right.

It's just that she didn't allow herself to admit that it was just an illusion that day, which caused her life to become like this.

The more she thinks this way, the more she rejects the truth, and the more unreasonably stubborn she becomes.

Yang Zimei's words cut open her heart like a knife, forcing her to wake up from her self-deception.

"Grandma, really don't escape your past mistakes like this, don't abuse yourself like this, and make others uncomfortable."

Yang Zimei took her hand and persuaded softly, "You should be with Rong and Grandpa. Only in this way can you be truly happy."

Zeng Hui shook off her hand, "Niuniu, grandma knows which way to go. As for happiness, grandma is already in the coffin and doesn't care about it anymore."

"Grandma, how can you not care?"

Yang Zimei said sadly, "You still have decades left in your life, Niuniu sincerely hopes that you will be happy instead of living like this."

"Niuniu, don't talk about it anymore. Even if Ronghe is not wrong, it was just my illusion at the time, I can't go back to the past, and I won't be with Ronghe. Now, I'm just Yang Bai's wife!"

"Grandma, Grandpa Yang Bai doesn't deserve you at all. The two of you have been together for so many years, and you haven't even said a few words. You don't have common interests. He always only knows how to ask for you, but doesn't understand you. I respect you, and I only treat you like an old lady. Grandma, it shouldn't be your life to be the poor wife of a rural man!"

Yang Zimei said very sadly.


Zeng Hui shouted sharply, "How can you say that? I have been married to your grandfather for more than 40 years, and the relationship is far deeper than Ronghe. To me, Ronghe is just an unforgettable first love! I chose This kind of life will continue, so don't mention it again in the future, so as not to hurt the feelings of our mother-in-law and grandson!"

Seeing her serious look, Yang Zimei felt sad for his failure again.

Why does grandma insist on making mistakes again and again?
She really doesn't want to part with Grandpa Yang Bai?

Just as she was thinking, she saw her father Yang Qing come in from the outside with an ugly face and pulled her out.

"Dad, what happened?"

Yang Zimei asked hurriedly.

"Niuniu, it's not good. Your grandfather hanged himself at the police station. Fortunately, the police found out in time and sent him to the hospital."

Yang Qing said guiltily, "Niu Niu, no matter what, he is also your grandfather, you should get him back, so as not to worry about it."

Yang Zimei's head buzzed.

She never thought that Grandpa Yang Bai, who was always greedy for life and afraid of death, would hang himself.

What kind of subject is this going to be?
She and Yang Qing hurried to the hospital.

As soon as Huang Sheng saw her, he felt amnesty, "Master Yang, you are finally here!"

"How about my grandpa?"

"The rescue was timely, and his life was saved. However, his brain was a little hypoxic and he was still in the intensive care unit."

Huang Sheng tremblingly said to Yang Zimei, "Master Yang, you have to trust us, we have not done anything wrong to the old man, please learn from it."

"Thank you, Director Huang, I trust you!"

Yang Zimei smiled faintly and followed him to the intensive care unit.

(End of this chapter)

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