Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1663 Can the broken mirror be reunited

Chapter 1663 Can the broken mirror be reunited (30)

The doctor just came out, and Yang Zimei asked about the situation.

"You have to be mentally prepared. The patient's brain may become delirious due to long-term lack of oxygen. In severe cases, it may even become a vegetative state."

The doctor said to her solemnly.

"so serious?"

Yang Zimei frowned slightly.

Although she hated Grandpa Yang Bai, she didn't want anything to happen to him.

She put on antibacterial clothing and entered the intensive care unit.

Yang Bai was still in a coma.

This was the first time Yang Zimei saw him sleeping.

In the past, he gave her the impression that he was either standing up and smoking a pipe, or instructing grandma to do this or that.

Now, he lay down quietly.

She carefully observed his face, and found that there was a trace of despair in his expression, even though he was asleep, his short and thick brows were still tightly frowned.

Why can't he see it?

To fight against himself for getting him into the police station, or to despair at the thought of being alone?
"Grandpa, if you weren't so selfish and unreasonable, how dare I abandon you?"

Yang Zimei sighed softly, "You asked for everything."

She checked his physical condition and cleared his brain with vitality.

Soon, Yang Bai woke up, opened his eyes, looked at Yang Zimei for a long time, and asked blankly, "Who are you?"

Yang Zimei looked at Yang Bai suspiciously, "I'm Niuniu, don't you recognize me?"

"Oh, the second girl from Daniel's house next door, why do they look different?"

Yang Bai had a suddenly realized expression.

Yang Zimei understood that he had really lost his memory.

She didn't know whether Yang Bai's amnesia was good or bad.

Going out to ask the doctor, the doctor told her that this amnesia is normal, and Yang Bai is already a certain age, so he is prone to Alzheimer's disease.

Yang Zimei didn't expect things to turn out like this, so she discussed it with her father.

Yang Qing told her to keep it a secret from grandma, and never mention the situation of grandpa being arrested and taken to the police station.

Yang Zimei naturally dared not speak.

With grandma's temper, knowing that she let grandpa into the police station and caused him to hang himself, it would be strange if he didn't get mad and break the relationship between mother-in-law and grandson.

Even though Yang Zimei had dredged Yang Bai's brain, there was nothing serious about his health, but he still lost his memory, and even Yang Qing couldn't recognize him.

Therefore, Yang Bai was kept in the hospital for treatment and observation, and two special nurses were invited.

When Yang Zimei and Yang Qing went back, Rong He hurriedly asked about the situation, and felt guilty when he learned about Yang Bai's situation.

"Grandpa, it's not your fault, don't feel guilty."

Yang Zimei comforted him, "Come on."

"Niu Niu, I have told Sun Yan and Huang Man not to come here, and I am not going to see your grandma anymore, I thought and thought, your grandma and I really can't go back to the past, if we barely meet again, it will only cause trouble If there are more conflicts and everyone is unhappy, it is better to maintain the status quo, as long as you agree to me, I don't want to ask for too much."

Rong He said to Yang Zimei.

Yang Zimei nodded.

She also found that grandma's stubbornness is really the most unmovable mountain in the world.

Or maybe, this stubbornness is caused by her too low self-esteem for the situation in front of her, thus showing a tough attitude.

Might as well keep the status quo.

Rong He sighed slightly, with a look of disappointment on his face, "Niu Niu, no matter what, you should find a chance and let me quietly take a look at Hui Hui."


Yang Zimei nodded, "I'll bring her over later."

Grandma doesn't want to see grandpa, but grandpa wants to see grandma, so he can only take this kind of secret meeting.

As for what will happen after meeting, she really doesn't know.

Because, in this world, the most difficult thing to grasp is the human heart.

(End of this chapter)

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