Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1678 Master, go well

Chapter 1678 Master, go well (1)

 "Sorry, I won't listen to you."

Sadako said coldly, "I will not betray my master."

"Master? Ha! Your real master is me, not Yang Zimei!"

Abe Qingtian sneered, "You swore allegiance to me 1000 years ago, and lived as the living dead for life after life. Otherwise, the Jingming family would disappear in this world!"

Sadako didn't have much expression on her face.

For her now, the Jingming family is like floating clouds, without any memories or feelings at all.

As Yang Zimei said, it disappeared because it was exhausted, so why should I pay for it myself?
no way!

She didn't know what oath she took for 1000 years, but she just felt that it was a shame to live as the living dead for life after life.

Everything ends today!
Thinking of this, her eyes became more indifferent.

"I'm just wondering why you haven't recovered your memory. It turns out that it's your inner resistance to recovering your memory!"

Abe Qingtian looked at Sadako coldly, and took out a star diamond larger than the one in Yang Zimei's ring from her bosom, "Then I'll help you restore your memory!"

Looking at the star diamond shining brightly in front of her eyes, Sadako's expression began to change, just like a drug addict seeing drugs.

This expression was shown when she saw the Astral Diamond before.

No wonder she wanted the star diamond very much before, it turned out to help her restore her memory.

"Come here, this star diamond is for you, you take it, you can position yourself and know who you are."

Abe Qingtian waved the star diamond in his hand and waved to Sadako.

Sadako's footsteps slowly approached him.

Yang Zimei's heart became tense, and she really wanted to snatch the star drill, but Xuehu stopped her.

"It's up to Sadako to make the decision."

Xuehu said to her in heart language, "Otherwise, she wouldn't know what she really wants."

Yang Zimei nodded, but did not move.

Sadako walked up to Abe Qingtian and held out her hand.

"Ha ha--"

There was a smug look on Abe Qingtian's face, "I know, you can't refuse this."

He handed the star diamond into Sadako's palm.

When Sadako got the star diamond, she looked as if she had been injected with chicken blood, her eyes were shining, and her cheeks were slightly flushed with excitement.

However, when she saw the ice blue bracelet Jiang Ziliang gave her on her wrist, her pupils changed again.

Like Long Zhutian, Jiang Ziliang also gave Zhenzi the spar bracelet left by his mother to represent that she is his most important woman.

The spiritual power of the Astral Diamond began to pervade her body, and there were some familiar and strange memory fragments in her mind.

Do not!
She shook her head suddenly, interrupting those memory fragments like playing a movie.

Looking at the spar in his hand, there was a strong voice in his heart.

She doesn't want to be Miss Jingming, she just wants to be the virgin son, Jiang Ziliang's virgin son!

She doesn't want to restore her memory!
Don't be the puppet and servant of this man in front of you!

Although Yang Zimei and her also have a master-servant relationship, she never forced her to be a slave and gave her the greatest freedom.

But the people in front of her were different. They had enslaved her for more than 1000 years, making themselves appear as disgusting characters like the living dead.

She doesn't want to live like this anymore.

Thinking of this, she didn't even hesitate, and made a move that neither Yang Zimei nor Abe Qingtian could have imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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