Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1679 Master, go well

Chapter 1679 Master, go well (2)

She slammed the star into the rock hard——

The astral drill shattered into pieces and scattered in all directions!


Abe Qingtian was furious, she flew up, raised her palm, and was about to slap her in the face like Sadako!
"go to hell!"

Sadako's always docile face became a bit ferocious, and the embroidery needle in her hand stuck out, piercing Abe Qingtian's acupuncture point.

These acupuncture points were learned by her from Yang Zimei.

Yang Zimei used to use medical silver needles, but she used embroidery needles, and the technique of acupuncture can be said to be proficient.

However, because this Abe Qingtian borrowed the body of Daoist Yuqing, all the acupuncture points on his body had been transferred when Daoist Yuqing was still there, which is different from ordinary people.

Therefore, she missed.

Abe Qingtian grabbed her by the throat again, with a fierce and obedient expression on her face, and the flames from her blood-red pupils almost swallowed Sadako.

Sadako still looked at him calmly, with mockery in her pupils.

"Betray me, I will make you forever!"

Abe Qingtian sternly said, "And that Jiang Ziliang, I will let him be the living dead for my slaves!"

Yang Zimei couldn't stand it anymore, she took out the little clock and started to shake it...

Jingle Bell!
The sound of the bell is clear and sweet, echoing in this cave.

Abe Qingtian let go of Sadako's throat, with a painful expression on her face, covered her ears, and yelled frantically, "Stop, stop!"

Strangely, there was not much pain on Sadako's face.

Yang Zimei remembered that when she rang the bell in front of her for the first time, she felt as if she was going to die, but now, she didn't feel much.

Just a little headache!


Sadako turned her head in surprise and looked in the direction of the ringtone.

Seeing that she had no sense of the bell, Yang Zimei shook it more reassuringly.

Through the mirror that can reflect the soul, she clearly saw that with the sound of the bell, the master's soul, which was cowering in a corner, began to gradually become stronger, and was fighting against Abe Qingtian's soul.

The two souls are constantly fighting for the body, so the body seems to be torn apart, making it more uncomfortable.

"Master, come on!"

Yang Zimei looked at the master's soul and cried out excitedly.

Because the soul of Abe Qingtian has not fully recovered, he must swallow the souls of eighteen virgins and men and women on the night of the full moon in order to support his original mana.

But he didn't expect that Yang Zimei's early arrival and Sadako's betrayal interrupted his plan.

As the bell sounded and Yuqing's soul became stronger, the spiritual power of Abe Qingtian's soul became weaker and weaker, and was finally suppressed by Yuqing.

However, more than half of his soul has been fused with this body, Yuqing can't completely drive him away, and neither can Yang Zimei.

And the only way to kill him is to let this body die.


Master's familiar voice sounded.

Yang Zimei burst into tears, rushed forward, threw herself into his arms, choked up and shouted, "Master, Niuniu misses you so much."


Yuqing touched her head and smiled lovingly, "I'm sorry, Master is incompetent and was invaded by evil spirits, making you suffer."

"Master, as long as you are still here, I will not suffer."

(End of this chapter)

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