Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1684 Thank you for your warmth

Chapter 1684 Thank you for your warmth
"I want that mahogany plaque on your body."

Yang Zimei looked at Min Gang guiltily and said, "I know that mahogany card is very important to you, but I have a greater need now."

"No matter how important things are, they are not as important as you."

Min Gang smiled calmly, pulled off his tie, and took out the mahogany card that never left his body.

Because Yang Zimei also wore such a mahogany plaque on her body, he also flirted with it. It was a pairing accessory for her, and he kept it close to his body all the time.

Now, Yang Zimei wanted it, and although she was a little bit reluctant, she still readily handed it over.

Seeing the No.14 mahogany card in his hand, Yang Zimei was excited, "Thank you!"

Min Gang originally wanted to ask her why she wanted the mahogany card, but in the end she didn't ask, just smiled, "It's polite to say thank you among friends."

"But I really want to thank you. In order to find these mahogany cards, I have spent a lot of effort. I even tried to give people 100 million and refused to buy them."

Yang Zimei smiled and said, "Only you will give it to me without hesitation."


Min Gang still couldn't help it, "Have you collected a lot?"

"Yes, a total of 14 yuan."

Yang Zimei nodded, "Only after collecting them can I open a mysterious place."

As soon as Min Gang heard about the mysterious place, he became interested, "What place is it? Can I go with you?"

Yang Zimei looked at him apologetically, "I'm sorry, that place is extremely dangerous, I can't agree to this, but I can promise you, when I come back, I will tell you what I saw and heard inside, okay?"

Min Gang's eyes dimmed.

He is not afraid of danger, nor is he afraid of death, but he is afraid of becoming a burden to Yang Zimei, so he doesn't insist on following her.

"Zi Mei, it's already dinner time, have we had dinner together?"

Min Gang blinked his long and narrow phoenix eyes and looked at her and asked.


Yang Zimei nodded, "How about I invite you to my house for dinner? You should still miss the food made by Sadako, right?"

Min Gang's eyes lit up.

In the past, every time he came to her door, she didn't invite him in for a sit down.

He has always been curious about what her house was like, but she didn't tell him, and he was too embarrassed to mention it.

In the past, Yang Zimei didn't want him to go in, it's just that his aura didn't match the aura in the house before, and going in would have disadvantages rather than benefits for him, so he had no choice but to be rude.

Now, the aura in the house has been reduced a lot, and she has rearranged it, so Min Gang can also enter.

Min Gang knew that Yang Zimei would never ride his bicycle again because of Long Zhutian, so he put the bicycle lock aside and walked there with her.

Along the way, the two of them didn't have much embarrassment or silence, and chatted about some things casually, and the topics were relaxed.

Passing by the place where Yang Zimei was supported by Min Gang because of fainting in her previous life, she paused slightly.

"what happened?"

Seeing her stop, Min Gang asked suspiciously.

Yang Zimei smiled, "A long time ago, there was a poor girl with no relatives and no reason. She fainted here, and a rich and handsome passing by here helped her to the hospital, paid for her medical expenses, and stayed Some money kept her warm throughout the winter."

"It seems that when I become tall, rich and handsome, I must also warm some people in need throughout the winter."

Min Gang smiled and said, "Listening to what you said, I don't know why, a scene appeared in my mind, the tall, rich and handsome is me, and the girl is you, ha ha, my subconscious is really bad, I actually hope that you are poor and want me warmth."

"Haha, maybe it's you, and the girl is me."

Yang Zimei laughed, "In short, no matter what, I thank you, thank you for giving me a lot of warmth."

Min Gang smiled without answering, just looked at her flowery smile...

(End of this chapter)

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