Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1685 Thank you for your warmth

Chapter 1685 Thank you for your warmth (2)

Yang Zimei brought Min Gang back to the house.

Min Gang thought that there were only Yang Zimei Zhenzi and Lan Yaya in the house, but unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the house, he ran into Long Zhutian head-on.

Long Zhutian was holding a shower to water the flowers and plants in the courtyard, when he saw them coming in, he stopped and greeted them.

"Zhutian, this is Min Gang!"

This is the first time Yang Zimei officially introduced Min Gang to Long Zhutian, although he was no stranger to Min Gang before.

"Min Gang, this is Long Zhutian."

Yang Zimei said to Min Gang again, "Let's get to know each other."

Seeing Long Zhutian, Min Gang felt a little nervous unconsciously.

He tried his best to overcome this tension, pretended to be indifferent, stretched out his hand to Long Zhutian, and said with a smile, "Hi, nice to meet you!"

Long Zhutian is withdrawn and arrogant, he never shakes hands with others.

Originally, he also wanted to ignore Min Gang's handshake, but thinking that he was someone Yang Zimei cared about, he stretched out his hand, gave Min Gang a slight shake, and then let go.

This is already the greatest face he has given Min Gang.

In fact, the moment Min Gang stretched out his hand, he himself regretted it, worrying that Long Zhutian would not accept his handshake, which would cause him embarrassment.

Fortunately, he still held it.

Min Gang's tense heart slightly relaxed, and when he found that Long Zhutian only had one arm, he couldn't help being slightly startled.

"Let's go, Min Gang, it's your first time to enter my house, take a look around?"

Yang Zimei broke the silence with a loud voice.


Min Gang hastily echoed, shifting his gaze from Long Zhutian to Yang Zimei.

"Zhutian, you are busy with your work, I will accompany Min Gang for a tour."

Yang Zimei was very satisfied that Long Zhutian did not treat Min Gang indifferently, and put his arm on his shoulder and said.

"Well, let's go."

Long Zhutian nodded.

For Min Gang, he no longer has the same vigilance as before, because he knows Yang Zimei's feelings for him better than anyone else.

Min Gang is just her little first love, there is nothing to be jealous of.

Min Gang visited Yang Zimei's house and was amazed, "From the outside, who would have thought that City A would have such a house that is comparable to a house in the capital? Zimei, you are really amazing."

"I also designed it based on those old houses. It's nothing special. The real great thing is Xia Mo's father. Without him leading the construction, my design can only be a castle in the air."

"It seems that I have to buy a house nearby."

Min Gang said a little excitedly, "At that time, I can be your neighbor."

Hearing his words, Yang Zimei thought of the unknown disaster in City A again.

Although her family has already moved to Guangyuan, Min Gang, Xia Mo and other relatives and friends are still in City A, so it is impossible for her to let them all move away.

How is this good?

Seeing Yang Zimei frowning, Min Gang thought she was unwilling to move in and be her neighbor, so he smiled and said, "Hehe, I'm just talking, when I have enough financial resources to buy the house here, it's probably already Many years later."

Yang Zimei naturally knew what he was thinking, "Min Gang, I'm very happy that you can be my neighbor, but I hope you can stay away from City A."


Min Gang saw Yang Zimei's solemn expression, and asked suspiciously.

"According to my speculation, there will be a disaster in City A. I don't know how big the disaster is and what happened. Therefore, I will let my family move out first."

(End of this chapter)

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