Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1686 Thank you for your warmth

Chapter 1686 Thank you for your warmth (3)


Min Gang was very surprised, "What should City A do?"

"I don't know what to do? Min Gang, I'll just tell you about this. Don't tell anyone, including your family, so as not to cause panic in the whole city. Maybe, I will have a way to stop it at that time, and it's possible , this disaster is not very big.”

Yang Zimei said to him very solemnly.

Min Gang nodded, "I know this truth, and I will never say it. My family also has a real estate business in Guangyuan. Some time ago, my grandfather was also thinking about going back to Guangyuan, so I will find an excuse and let them move there first. "

"That's fine, but you must not tell the truth."

Yang Zimei said dejectedly, "Maybe I can stop man-made disasters, but I'm not sure about natural disasters. Humans can never defeat the sky."

"I know, Zimei, don't force yourself. You are not the Holy Mother, and it is not your responsibility to save the whole city from danger. You can do as much as you can."

Min Gang comforted him.


Yang Zimei nodded, "It's true that I don't have the heart of the Holy Mother, but there are too many people I know well here, and I don't want everything I know to be turned into ashes."

"Unfortunately, I'm an ordinary person, so I can't help you."

Min Gang said regretfully, "But if you need my company or chat, I will definitely leave everything behind and come to your side obligingly."

Hearing this, Yang Zimei's heart was moved.

Yes, the current Min Gang can't give her more, but he can still make her warm and move her.

But she was only selfish towards him.

Saying thank you to him is already a very hypocritical thing.

However, apart from saying thank you, she no longer knew what to use to express her gratitude to him.

No matter in the last life or this life, she was very lucky to meet Min Gang.

Sadako came over and called for dinner.

Everyone sits together, eats and chats casually.

Long Zhutian also had a few words with Min Gang, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

After eating, Min Gang was about to say goodbye.

Yang Zimei sent him out the door and told him that he was going to the west of the state, and he didn't know when he would be back, and hoped that he would take care.

Min Gang saw that she said it with a dignified expression of parting from life and death, and his heart was very heavy, but he still pretended to be relaxed, and said lightly, "If you don't come back in two months, I will go to Zhouxi to find you."

"If you can't find it, don't be sad, maybe I have traveled through time."

Yang Zimei stuck out her tongue slyly, "Traveling to be a queen or princess, eating delicious food, hehe."

"Okay, I'm not upset."

Min Gang lowered his head, a gleam of light flashed across his eyelids.

Although he said that he wasn't sad, but when he thought that she might never see her again, his heart felt like it was being pricked by a needle, dripping blood a little bit.

He didn't have any extravagant hopes for her.

But he still hopes to see her occasionally and chat with her, so that he is already satisfied.

She said before that she would use the mahogany card to go to a dangerous place, and she probably meant Zhouxi.

I'm really afraid that she will have an accident!

Even though he lowered his head, Yang Zimei could still see his suppressed sadness.

My heart also became sad.

"Min Gang—"

Yang Zimei called him softly, "If one day, I really suffer an accident, my soul will rush back to say goodbye to you, don't be sad, what's more, I went to Zhouxi not for adventure, but for To find the cause and fate related to me, I believe that it is not too dangerous for me."

(End of this chapter)

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