Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 718 Sadako is Mighty!

Chapter 718 Sadako is Mighty! (2)

The people around were also dumbfounded. The waiters who had been surrounding Yang Zimei and the others hastily retreated a few steps away.

What a joke, if that lady who looks soft and beautiful but has extraordinary powers, if she gets upset, she pats herself on the head, and it's over.

Sadako clapped her hands calmly, looked around with her beautiful eyes, as if she was talking to Chen Wenda, and also seemed to be muttering to herself, "This pillar is not challenging, what should be the next target? "

When Chen Wenda heard this, his legs went limp in fright, and he slumped on the ground, begging for mercy, "My aunt, please don't do anything, even if you have money to pay, I still have to survive!"

Sadako walked up to him, gestured with her palm on his head, blinked her eyes, and showed a blank smile as harmless as a child, "I smashed the table, smashed the pillar, but I didn't hit the head, I don't know Will it be harder than a pillar?"

"Oh my God!"

When Chen Wenda heard it, he let out a scream, and hurriedly covered his head with both hands, rolled on the ground a few times in fright, and stayed away from Sadako.

"Crazy, crazy, I met a pervert... Oops, I'm so unlucky..."

Chen Wenda wailed, attracting the people present to watch.

The music in the venue was very loud. Just now, most people's eyes were attracted by the hot men and women in the middle of the dance floor, and they didn't notice the movement here. Even if the pillar was smashed by Sadako just now, the sound was also covered by the music. covered by the sound.

However, Chen Wenda's hog-killing wail was clearly heard by everyone. When they found out that there was something going on here, they flocked to watch the excitement. When they saw a broken table and a pillar fell, they panicked. Ask what happened.

Among the onlookers, Luo Yingjin was also included.

He had actually been in the arena just now, and he had noticed the situation here from a distance.

He really felt sorry for those Chen Wenda and Ruoxi who didn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, and who didn't know that masters were among the people.

Anyone who doesn't provoke her, but provokes her, is simply courting death.

He originally thought that Yang Zimei was just rich and powerful and had an extraordinary background, but when he saw Zhenzi next to her showing off a skill of shooting pillars that was even more exciting than a martial artist, he realized that his imagination of her was still limited.

With small steps, Sadako slowly approached Chen Wenda who was constantly crawling back.

Under the gaze of her black pupils that were as black as black holes, Chen Wenda felt as if he was being stared at by a demon. A huge fear covered his head like a dark cloud, cold sweat broke out all over his body, and his heart was crushed. It was heavy, the heartstrings were stretched tightly, as if they were about to snap at any moment.


His mentality reached the critical point of collapse, he screamed, knelt in front of Sadako, begging for mercy constantly, "Miss, miss, please forgive me, I beg and apologize to you all, it's all because of that little bitch Ruoxi People, I asked her to shine your shoes and kneel down to apologize..."

Yang Zimei looked for Ruoxi, and found that she was hiding behind A Ling and wanted to sneak away while there were many people.

Today's incident happened because of her, let them down, absolutely can't let her go, don't teach her a lesson, she still doesn't know what real arrogance is.

She jumped up, her blue hair flicked, and her white figure flashed. Everyone just blinked and found that she had walked to Ruoxi who was 30 meters away.

Yang Zimei was too lazy to talk, stretched out her hand, grabbed Ruoxi's body, lifted it up, and threw it at the place where Chen Wenda was...

[Today is July [-]th Ghost Festival, Xixi is going out, the update is over, don't wait]

(End of this chapter)

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