Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 719 Sadako is Mighty

Chapter 719 Sadako is Mighty (3)

Ruoxi screamed, jumping over everyone's heads with her whole body, but then landed on Chen Wenda's body smoothly.

Although her body and bones were not injured, she was so frightened that all her souls disappeared, her delicate face turned pale, and her whole body was limp and paralyzed.


Assistant A Ling screamed in fear, but she didn't dare to go forward, fearing that she would suffer the same fate.

Everyone's eyes focused on Yang Zimei who clapped his hands lightly.

"Did she throw someone just now?"

Someone asked quietly.

"Although the process was too fast, I still vaguely saw this woman flying over from her hand." Someone gasped and said, "It's really terrible, people are not puppets, how can this happen?" Throw?"

"However, judging by the woman's appearance, she was only frightened and not injured. She can still throw people at this level, which is amazing."

"She also broke this pillar?"

"No, it's the one with the blue hair."

"God, the two of them look alike. They should be two sisters. They are very beautiful. Where did they come from?"

"do not know."


Amidst the divergent opinions, Yang Zimei walked up to Zhenzi and said, "You will deal with the rest."

"Yes, Master."

Sadako replied humbly.

When everyone heard her address Yang Zimei like that, her attitude really looked like a humble maid.

Taking a closer look at the facial features of the two of them, they are only similar in spirit, not in appearance. Could it be that they are not sisters, but masters and servants?

Is there still such a master-servant relationship called master?
Could it be that she comes from a wealthy family?
Sadako walked in front of Chen Wenda and Ruoxi, like a queen, looking down on them with her beautiful eyes.

Before she spoke, the two of them trembled in fright.

Ruoxi hugged Chen Wenda tightly with a pale face, wanting to seek support.

At this moment, Chen Wenda really hated Ruoxi to death. If it wasn't for this woman, he wouldn't have to provoke Yang Zimei and the others, and the terrible thing before him wouldn't have happened.

He pushed Ruoxi out forcefully, and said loudly to Zhenzi, "Miss, it's all her fault, you can do whatever you want her to do."

"Chen Wenda, you are not a man!"

Ruoxi was withdrawn by Chen Wenda as a shield, out of horror, she blamed him in disappointment.

"Smelly bitch, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have to cause trouble today."

Chen Wenda scolded angrily.

At this time, the security guards in charge of looking after the club rushed in with electric batons in their hands. The security captain Li Ming saw Chen Wenda fell on the ground, and asked urgently, "Manager Chen, what happened? Who is making trouble?"

Seeing about [-] security guards rushing over, Chen Wenda, who was frightened at first, calmed down a little, but didn't dare to hum.

He didn't know if more than 20 people could deal with this woman who could smash a pillar with one palm.

If she couldn't deal with it, and her palm slapped her on the head, it would be bad.

Out of professional sensitivity, Li Ming saw the condescending and domineering Sadako, and Chen Wenda looked at her in panic, and roughly guessed that the person who stepped on the field and stepped on the manager's head was the one who looked A lady prettier than an international star.

He couldn't understand why Chen Wenda was so scared.

Even if that young lady knew martial arts, she couldn't resist his security guards who were more than 20 street gangsters.


Li Ming stretched out the electric baton in his hand, pointed at Sadako aggressively, "Are you making trouble?"

(End of this chapter)

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