Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 720 Sadako is Mighty

Chapter 720 Sadako is Mighty (4)


Sadako responded lightly.

"Immediately apologize to Manager Chen, otherwise, we won't be polite because of your beauty."

Li Ming said sharply.

Several security guards surrounded Sadako with electric batons.

"Will something happen to Sadako?"

Xia Mo nervously pulled Yang Zimei's hand and asked.

"Just sit down and watch a good show."

Yang Zimei pulled a few chairs for Xia Mo and others to sit down.

Seeing her so calm, Xia Mo took courage and sat down beside her.

"Xia Mo, look, I have seen Sadako's strength before, and these 20 people are no match for her at all."

Lan Yaya said from the side.

"Really? Why is Sadako so powerful?" Xia Mo asked excitedly.

Lan Yaya kept silent.

She had lived with Yang Zimei for so long, and Yang Zimei had also told her the details of Zhenzi.

However, it was inconvenient to tell Xia Mo.

"It's not me who has to apologize, but them!"

Sadako pointed at Chen Wenda and Chen Wenda with her slender fingers, and said calmly, "Otherwise, I won't be polite."

"Heh, it seems that you are toasting instead of eating and drinking! Come on, come on!"

Li Ming yelled, and with a wave of the electric baton, he threw it at Sadako.

He was arranged by Chen Wenda to be the security captain, so he naturally wanted to perform well.

Sadako didn't move, just stood still like that.

Several electric batons hit her body together!
Being hit by such an electric baton, let alone a woman who looks so weak like Sadako, even a strong man will fall to the ground and roll.

Many timid women in the crowd were so nervous that they covered their faces and dared not look at it.

Who knows, when they let go of their hands and looked again, they found that Sadako was standing still, with a calm expression on her face, as if she wasn't the one who hit her just now.

Yang Zimei's heart was vaguely expectant, she always wanted to know whether Zhenzi would be like Qingyun, the living dead, not afraid of any trauma.

Those security guards with electric batons found that they didn't knock down Sadako. On the contrary, they shook the tiger's mouth holding the baton so painfully that they almost couldn't hold it.

"Well, the feeling of the electric shock is not bad."

Sadako's soft and beautiful face showed a smile that looked both cruel and pleasant, which made the security guards feel numb.

What a strange thing!
In this world, there are still people who were hit by several electric batons at the same time and were fine, and even said that it felt good.

This is simply... perverted!

In order to perform meritorious service in front of Chen Wenda, Li Ming hit the hardest just now, so the backlash from that strength was also the biggest. In addition to the shock that made his mouth hurt, his heart also felt as if he had been hit hard by someone. Sweet, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"All up, take this stinky bitch down for me, and whoever can take it down will be rewarded."

Li Ming shouted angrily.

Money can turn the devil around.

When the other security guards heard this, they immediately stepped forward with electric batons, trying to catch Sadako.

Sadako moved this time——

With both hands out at the same time, he casually picked up the security guards surrounding her, and threw them all at the place where Chen Wenda was.

In the blink of an eye, she threw all of the more than 20 strong security guards into a pile, and fell to the ground howling, leaving the onlookers stunned.

"Good good!"

Luo Yingjin, who was watching the battle among the crowd, couldn't help clapping and applauding.

(End of this chapter)

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