Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 733 The Ancient Mirror That Can’t Take Portraits

Chapter 733 The Ancient Mirror That Can’t Take Portraits (9)

However, she hadn't seen Lin Qingmei for a long time, so she walked directly from the store into the backyard and called out, "Sister Qingmei——"

Lin Qingmei was eating breakfast at this time, when she heard her calling, she hurried out and said with a joyful face, "You little fellow, you are finally willing to see my sister."

Yang Zimei smiled, and looked at Lin Qingmei's belly, which was much more swollen than before, round and round, like a kangaroo mother.

"Hey, sister Qingmei, do you know what you look like now?"

Yang Zimei asked with a small smile.

"You little guy, I want to tease your sister again." Lin Qingmei saw her ice-blue hair, "Why did you dye your black hair like this?"

"It looks good."

Yang Zimei pulled Lin Qingmei to sit down, checked her pulse and found that the fetus was stable and healthy, so she was relieved.

"Sister Qingmei, where did Mr. Song go? I have something I want him to appraise."

"He went to the provincial capital to give some academic seminar, and he may not be back until a week later."

"so long?"


Yang Zimei touched the bag containing the ancient mirror.

"What antiquities are you trying to identify? Let me have a look." Lin Qingmei asked curiously.

Yang Zimei shook his head, "I don't know if this thing is good or bad, I'm afraid it will affect the development of your fetus."

"That's right, then I won't watch it."

Lin Qingmei stroked her round belly, her motherly radiance appeared on her face, which added a bit of beauty to her.

"Xiaomei, why don't you go to the library and look up the books, maybe you can find the answer you're looking for." Seeing the disappointed look on her face, Lin Qingmei suggested.

Yang Zimei nodded. Anyway, there is nothing to do today, so why not just spend it in Song Xuan's library, and see if there are any clues about the mirror.

Song Xuan's library is comparable to a small library, but it is all related to antiques, from ancient times to the present, divided into categories.

Yang Zimei also directly went to read the books on Qin Chao.

I flicked through the books related to the Qin Dynasty. There are records of other mirrors, but not this one.

Maybe it's because it's a weird witch mirror, so it's not officially recorded in the books.

Suddenly, I found that in a corner of the library, there was a category of books with the word "Witch".

As soon as her heart moved, she hurriedly moved over.

In the past, when I was on the mountain, my favorite peeps were books related to witchcraft. I don't know if there is anything special about Song Xuan here.

Looking up, his eyes fell on a thread-bound book that looked very old, even exuding the smell of ancient objects, so he stretched out his hand and pulled it out.

A dull and eerie-looking black-red cover, without a single word on it.

Yang Zimei panicked for no reason.

She opened the book carefully, and what came into view was a map.

She is very familiar with this map, it is the one that records the Xichuan cemetery that may be related to the mahogany plaque.

The location of the cemetery on the map was circled with a modern ballpoint pen.

She reached out and touched the map, which was also made of durable and sturdy parchment. Judging by its age, it should be a little later than the one that Long brought back day by day.

She tried closing her eyes and touching the map.

There is no hallucination, it seems that apart from the original picture of Long Zhutian, this one is also a copy.

(End of this chapter)

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