Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 734 The Ancient Mirror That Doesn’t Show People

Chapter 734 The Ancient Mirror That Doesn’t Show People (10)

With excitement, Yang Zimei turned to the next page, and what appeared in front of her eyes was the symbol on the mahogany card.

This symbol is from the mahogany plaque worn by Long Zhutian.

Turn it down and look, it's what I'm wearing.

There are a total of fourteen pages of different symbols, and the symbols of Min Gang's piece and the other piece she got from the pentagram box are also in it.

From this point of view, there should be a total of 14 yuan mahogany cards.

It's a pity that there are only pictures in this book, but there are no textual explanations. When I turned to the last page, my pupils froze and my heart skipped a beat.

The picture on the last page is actually a person.

And this man was wearing ancient armor, majestic and majestic, like a god descending from the earth.

The most important thing is that this person is somewhat similar to Long Zhutian!
Oddly enough, he had a mirror hanging from his girdle.

And this mirror is like the ancient mirror in her hand that can't see people.

She calmed down her excitement, took out the mirror and looked at it carefully.

The carving pattern is really exactly the same.

Weird!It's so weird!

She stared blankly at the portrait.

Is this the ancestor of Long Zhutian?

Is this mirror also related to their home?
That's why it fell into his hands by accident?

Yang Zimei took a mirror to look at herself again, took out her mobile phone, and called Long Zhutian, wanting to tell him about this discovery.

But he couldn't make a call no matter what, so he sent a short message to tell him to call her back immediately after seeing the message.

There are only a few pictures in this book, without any words.

She took the book out and said to Lin Qingmei: "Sister Qingmei, I'll take a book back and study it, okay?"

"You're welcome, just take it back. When Song Xuan comes back, I'll tell him." Lin Qingmei said with a smile.

"Okay, thank you Sister Qingmei, I have to go back now."

Although she didn't know the origin of this ancient mirror, she found what she was looking for unexpectedly, and she was satisfied, and she just waited to go to the ancient tomb with Long Zhutian to have a look in the future.

Looking at the portrait, the mirror will be hung on the belt, which seems to be a magic weapon for body protection.

When Long Zhutian comes back, let him hang around and watch.

Back at the house, just about to open the door and go in, I heard grandma calling, "Niuniu—"

Looking back, I saw my grandma walking towards her with a stew pot in her hand, so I stopped and waited.

"Niu Niu, grandma made black-bone chicken soup today. She knew you were busy, so she didn't ask you to come over, and brought some over for you to try."

Grandma handed her the stew pot in her hand and said, "Remember to eat it while it's hot, or you'll have diarrhea when it's cold."


Yang Zimei took the warm stew pot and nodded, "Thank you grandma."

"Really, what can I thank you for?"

Grandma reached out and touched her face, "We don't live far away now, you have to go home to eat often when you are free, I will prepare your meals for every meal, so I am not afraid that there is nothing to eat."

Hearing this, Yang Zimei's eyes turned red, "Grandma, I will."

"That's good."

Grandma saw that she was holding a book in her hand, "Grandma won't bother you to read, but you have to study hard and strive for a good high school so that your dad can be happy."

"Well, I will definitely take the No.1 exam."

"Hehe, grandma is waiting. If she can see you take the No. 1 exam, grandma will have no regrets even if she dies."

"Don't say such things, grandma will live a long life."

Yang Zimei put his arms around grandma's shoulders and said angrily.

"Okay, okay, grandma will live a long life. Seeing Niuniu, you get married and have children. At that time, grandma will take care of the children for you." Grandma laughed.

Yang Zimei's heart warmed up, it felt good to have family.

(End of this chapter)

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