Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 735 A mirror that cannot take portraits

Chapter 735 A mirror that cannot take portraits (11)

Yang Zimei bumped into the stewing pot given by grandma and entered the house, sat down at the dining table, opened the lid, and the unique aroma of black-bone chicken diffused out and wafted into his nose, it was really fragrant.

I took a sip and put it in my mouth. Although the taste is not as good as that made by Sadako, it has the unique taste of grandma.

"What are you stealing?"

Lan Yaya came in and shouted.

"Hey, do you want some soup that my grandma gave me?"

Yang Zimei looked at Lan Yaya who had just woken up and was still sleepy and asked.

Lan Yaya used to have yin and yang eyes and could communicate with ghosts, so she couldn't sleep well before, and ghosts always came to disturb her.

Now that he lives in Yang Zimei's house, he begins to live a normal life.

No ghosts dared to come in here, and the originally pale face became ruddy and angry a lot.

"It was made by your beloved grandma. I won't take away your love. I still made it by eating Sadako."

Lan Yaya sat down next to her, blinked and asked, "Did your transaction succeed last night?"

"Well, I got it."

Yang Zimei nodded.

"The mirror really can't reflect the portrait? Let me see." Lan Yaya asked with great interest.

Yang Zimei took out the mirror and gave it to her.

Lan Yaya held it up to look at herself, and then screamed, "It's terrible!"

"What's wrong?"

Yang Zimei stretched his head to look over, and saw in the mirror that only Lan Yaya's big black eyes were shown, and there were no other body parts, so he couldn't help laughing, "You are really interesting."

"What's going on? Why can only my eyes be shown?"

Lan Yaya yelled, she took a look at Yang Zimei in the mirror, and was startled again, "How can you show in it?"

"do not know."

Yang Zimei shook his head and said.

Luo Yinghao walked in, reached out and rubbed Lan Yaya's hair on her head, "Little Yaya, what are you shouting about? Did you get bullied by Zimei?"

"No, I don't know why this mirror can only see my eyes. It's really horrible." Lan Yaya pointed the mirror at Luo Yinghao, "Major Luo, you can't see your whole body."

"It's said that this is a mirror that can't see people's portraits. I'm a normal person, so I can't see it. And your eyes, aren't they yin and yang eyes? Those who can communicate with the gods of heaven and earth cannot be explained by ordinary eyes. But the other parts of your body are the parts of ordinary people, so you can only see the eyes but not the other parts, what a stupid girl!"

After Luo Yinghao finished speaking, he stretched out his fingers to scrape Lan Yaya's thin nose, and said angrily.

Lan Yaya touched his nose, rolled his eyes, and muttered, "Major Luo, his nose is already short, don't keep scratching his nose, it will make him shorter." 
"I just love to shave and make you an ugly girl with a short nose." After Luo Yinghao finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to shave her nose again, but if he couldn't shave, he rubbed her hair with his big hand, making her hair into a mess. chicken coop.

Lan Yaya yelled, stretched out her fist and punched Luo Yinghao, the two of them fought into a quarrel.

Yang Zimei saw it, and secretly laughed inwardly.

Luo Yinghao looks like a serious soldier on the outside, but like Luo Yingjin, he has an inherent sense of humor.

He seemed to like teasing Lan Yaya very much.

But Lan Yaya's cautious personality disappeared in front of Luo Yinghao, and she regained the innocence of a girl of this age.

(End of this chapter)

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