Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 756 Heavenly Tribulation

Chapter 756 Heavenly Tribulation
Unwillingly, Yang Zimei jumped onto the table again, and stretched out her hands to cover the face of the mud bodhisattva.

You can really feel the faint atmosphere inside.

She really couldn't believe that clay sculptures would have warmth and breath.

Is there something hidden in it?
She walked around behind the clay bodhisattva, trying to find out if there was any space available, maybe it wouldn't be surprising if a mouse got into it.

There was no hole behind the clay bodhisattva, so she simply got under the table, took out a sharp knife, and dug a hole under the table.

Just after digging, before she stretched her head to look, a fluffy and snow-white figure jumped out of it, which startled her.

Looking closely, it was a snow-white fox, and he couldn't help shouting happily, "Xuehu, is that you?"

After speaking, reach out to hug it.

The fox's black eyes suddenly showed a look of horror, and with a rustle, he jumped into the Bodhisattva statue from the hole under the base again.

Yang Zimei suddenly felt that the sky had suddenly turned dark, and turned to look at the sky on the patio.

The blue sky, which was clear just now, suddenly became stormy, and the black clouds seemed to be driven by something, and they kept concentrating towards the top of the head. It looked like the sky was about to jump down.

This secret is very unusual.

Yang Zimei's heart sank, thinking of the fox hiding under the Bodhisattva statue.

Could it be that those mysterious changes came for it?
Is this the so-called catastrophe?


Thunder and lightning flashed in the black clouds.

Lightning like a fiery snake directly split out from the black cloud, accompanied by loud thunder.

Without thinking too much, Yang Zimei jumped up and hugged the mud bodhisattva directly.

A thunderbolt exploded above her head, and the lightning bolt that was going to hit the mud bodhisattva suddenly turned around and struck the wall beside her.

A loud bang!
The entire wall was split in two, tiles on the roof fell off one after another, Yang Zimei was hit in several pieces, and her head was also smashed, bleeding profusely.

But she didn't let go of the clay bodhisattva, she still hugged him tightly.

Another thunderbolt struck, and it still turned a corner beside her.

Then another...

The entire Taoist temple was struck by lightning and turned into ruins. All other clay statues collapsed, only the statue of Bodhisattva held by Yang Zimei was still intact.

However, Yang Zimei was miserable. Apart from her head being smashed by a tile, she was also hit on her calf by a beam, which made her want to jump up in pain.

After three bolts of lightning, the thick black clouds in the sky quickly dispersed.

The sky has returned to its original clear blue color, and the sun is shining overhead...

If it weren't for the mess around, Yang Zimei would have doubted whether the three thunderbolts just now existed.

The fox came out from the ground of the clay statue, looking at Yang Zimei who was still hugging the clay statue with her cute little black eyes, a tear suddenly rolled out from the corner of the eye, fell on the ground, turned into a transparent spar, and fell on the ground. Shining brightly like a diamond.

Yang Zimei jumped down from the top, picked up the spar that tears turned into, and carefully looked at the fox in front of him.

It looks like Xuehu, but there is still a little difference from him.

Although this fox is as pure white as Xuehu, there is a small circle of golden hair on the forehead, which is a bit dazzling, as if it is embroidered with gold thread.

Also, this fox is female.

Seeing that it wasn't Snow Lake, Yang Zimei's heart was filled with disappointment.

(End of this chapter)

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