Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 757 White Fox Ripples

Chapter 757 White Fox Ripples
"Why aren't you Snow Lake?"

Yang Zimei reached out to touch its hairy head, and said very sadly, "I don't know if Xuehu will be protected by someone when it suffers catastrophe."

Just now, she was so desperately afraid of being struck by lightning or being smashed by roof beams, she hugged the mud bodhisattva tightly, thinking that this fox was Snow Lake, and wanted to protect it from this catastrophe.

Who knows, it's another fox, so it's hard not to be sad.

The white fox stretched out its fluffy paws, which were the same as those of Snow Lake, and touched her wrist, with gratitude in its small eyes.

"What's your name?"

Although it is not Snow Lake, after all, it is the same kind of Snow Lake, looking at it, she can also ease her longing for Snow Lake a little.

The white fox blinked, looked at her, and wrote two words on the ground with its paws: Ripples.

These two characters were written in Xiaozhuan, and they were written very beautifully, which surprised Yang Zimei, who never thought that a fox could also write.

"Your name is Ripple?"

The white fox nodded.

"Can you speak?"

The white fox shook his head, and wrote four words on the ground again with his paws: I can write.

"Did you suffer a catastrophe just now?" Yang Zimei asked with lingering fear as he thought of the three terrified thunderbolts just now.

The white fox nodded and continued writing on the ground: Thank you for saving me.

"You're welcome, I thought you were another fox just now, and that's why I sacrificed my life to save you."

Yang Zimei said helplessly, and stretched out her hand to touch the part of her head where the tile was smashed. The blood stopped flowing, but her hair smelled of blood, and she felt very uncomfortable.

The place on the calf that was hit by the crossbeam still hurts badly, so I reached out and rubbed it.

The white fox continued to write on the ground: Thank you again, without you, I would not be able to escape this catastrophe.

Yang Zimei thought about Xuehu saying that it would face the third catastrophe, and continued to ask: "Are you all going to suffer three catastrophes? How many times have you encountered it now?"

"First time." White Fox wrote on the ground.

"Will the third catastrophe be terrible?" Yang Zimei asked nervously.

An extremely horrified expression appeared on the white fox's face, and it was written on the ground: It's scary, I hope I don't meet it.

very scary?
Yang Zimei's heart sank again.

What about Snow Lake?
Can it survive?
Yang Zimei stood up, looked around blankly, and murmured: "Dead Snow Lake, why are you so stupid? No matter how scary it is, I can face it with you, maybe, I can protect you!"

The white fox named Lianyi suddenly jumped into her arms.

Yang Zimei hugged it unconsciously, then put it down.

The Taoist temple was struck by lightning and she had to find someone to clean it up and repair it quickly.

If the master came back and saw such a pile of ruins, how heartbroken would it be?
"Lianyi, I'm going down the mountain to find someone to repair the Taoist temple, where are you going?" Yang Zimei asked the white fox.

"Can I be with you?" Baihu wrote on the ground, looking at her with a pair of dark eyes blinking, making it impossible to refuse.

Yang Zimei couldn't refuse even more.

She bent down to pick it up, went down the mountain, found a village specialized in carpentry and cement, and paid a lot of money to let them repair the Taoist temple.

Money can turn ghosts around, not to mention that cultivating Taoist temples is a matter of infinite merit. Those craftsmen naturally agreed to repair the Taoist temple within a month, and mold all the clay sculptures in the Taoist temple with golden bodies .

(End of this chapter)

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