Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 758 Precious Gift

Chapter 758 Precious Gift

After searching for a week, Master still couldn't be found, and it was useless to rush, so Yang Zimei decided to go to Guangyun City, the provincial capital, to visit Song Xuan.

Although Song Xuan's kindness to her is not as great as that of his master, he is also a gentleman who warms her up and teaches her. She can't leave him alone in the provincial capital to fight cancer.

"Zimei, the high school entrance examination is coming soon, aren't you preparing for the exam?" Lan Yaya looked at Yang Zimei who was packing her luggage, and asked anxiously.

"I told Teacher Qin that I will come back to take the exam the day before the senior high school entrance examination." Yang Zimei looked at Lan Yaya, "Zhenzi and Xiaoqian are going to the provincial capital with me, Yaya, you live here alone, Or go home and live?"

Lan Yaya thought for a while, "I'd better stay here and take care of the house. In case the head master comes back, I'll let you know. Besides, living here is good for my health, and I can clean the house at ordinary times. In case you come back at that time, you will see it is full of dust."

"Are you afraid of living here alone?"

"Hehe, there's nothing to be afraid of." Lan Yaya smiled, "I'm not even afraid of ghosts now, what else am I afraid of?"

"People are often scarier than ghosts."

Yang Zimei put his arms around her shoulders, "If you find any danger, remember to run for your life first."

Lan Yaya nodded, "Yes."

"If anyone is looking for me, just call me. Don't open the door to any strangers. I've already set up a formation. Unless you come in from the main entrance, you can't come in from other directions."

After Yang Zimei encountered a different-dimensional space similar to the ghost hitting the wall in the alley last time, she also studied Qimen Dunjia, and arranged ghosts hitting the wall around the house. Break into the house from anywhere outside.


Lan Yaya nodded.

Seeing the reluctance in her eyes, Yang Zimei put his arms around her shoulders and continued to pack his things with his head down.

The white fox Lianyi lay beside her and watched her pack the things in bags, shook her head slightly, and ran to her. There was a dark black ring with a simple and unique shape in her snow-white paw.

"This is?"

Yang Zimei asked suspiciously.

Lianyi grabbed her hand, put the ring on her left thumb, and wrote on the table with water, "Storage ring in the portable space."

Carry space to store rings?

Yang Zimei thought of Xuehu's powerful space ring, and asked in surprise: "Riyi, you said this is a space storage ring? Is it for me? Can I use it too?"

"For you." Lianyi wrote on the table, "However, your skill is not enough, and now you can have about two square meters of accommodation space."

"Two square meters are enough."

Yang Zimei touched the adapter excitedly, "But, how should I use it?"

"Blood first contract."

According to Lianyi's prompt, Yang Zimei dripped three drops of finger blood on the ring, and recited the mantra it taught.

A miracle happened, she really felt that there was about two square meters of storage space staying in her consciousness.

She picked up the small iron tower and put it into the space with her thoughts.

The iron tower is really miraculously stored in the inner grid.

She tried to take the tower out again...

"It's amazing. With this, I don't need to watch Feng Shui to make money, and I can perform magic tricks to make money, hehe."

Yang Zimei playfully stored all the things she wanted to bring, including the general Mo Xie, into the space, and then took them out one by one, playing with them over and over again, so excited that she was dying.

(End of this chapter)

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