Chapter 787

When Huo Wenhua met Yang Zimei just now, he also noticed Zhenzi.

He has seen quite a few women, but there are not many who can grow up to be as beautiful and refined as Sadako, although Yang Zimei is more aura than her.

But Zhenzi's innate nobility is not comparable to that of Yang Zimei.

Yang Zimei is smart and beautiful, but she is more or less petty.

But Zhenzi is different, one can tell that she is a born aristocrat, and looks like a lady. Although she treats Yang Zimei very humble, like a servant serving her master, she still cannot conceal her innate bearing.

He didn't know what Sadako's identity was, and he didn't ask much.

Just now he heard the Japanese call Sadako Miss Jingming, he thought she really came from a Japanese family of yin and yang.

The Jingming family, in the eyes of the Japanese, is a race that can communicate with the gods of heaven and earth, and their status in Japan is higher than that of the imperial family. Even if they are members of the royal family, they must be respectful when they meet people from the Jingming family.

Now Yang Zimei actually said that Zhenzi was her follower, which surprised him a little.

Could it be that Yang Zimei has already conquered the yin and yang family in Japan?

However, just now he heard Sadako denying that she is Miss Jingming.

Could it be that she wanted to get close to Yang Zimei and learn her god-like spells with a purpose?

Xuanmen Taoism is the essence of China, and it must not be passed on to other countries.

Thinking of this, he pulled Yang Zimei aside and quietly expressed his thoughts, telling her to be wary of Sadako.

"Thank you Mr. Huo for your reminder, I will pay attention to it. However, Sadako's background is a bit special, but I am sure that she should not be Miss Jingming in the mind of the Japanese just now."

"No matter what, you have to be careful. Although Japanese Onmyoji is a mysterious branch from our ancient Chinese metaphysics, it already has its unique and profound features, which cannot be underestimated." Huo Wenhua reminded.

"Well, I understand. I have encountered several strange incidents of yin and yang spells, but I have not been able to explain them."

Yang Zimei thought that Huo Wenhua was well-informed and well-traveled, so she asked, "Mr. Huo, have you seen a Japanese Onmyoji?"

Huo Wenhua shook his head, "Onmyoji has been living in secret in Japan, like the national teacher Abe Qingtian, it is said that even the emperor can't see his true face, as for the Jingming family, it may be to maintain mystery, and few people know Except for Miss Jingming who attended the prince's full moon wine, the world knew her true appearance. The Japanese just now is a famous Japanese businessman Banqiao, and he should have been lucky enough to attend the full moon wine and meet Miss Jingming."

"Mr. Huo, I ask you one thing. I hope you can help me find out the real face of Miss Jingming. I want to see how similar she is to my Sadako. Why do people repeat the same thing over and over again?" Mistakes in three places."

"Well, I'll do my best."

Huo Wenhua glanced at Sadako who was not far away, "No matter what, you have to be wary of her. It's against human nature for a person to condescend and be at your disposal, unless there is a huge conspiracy hidden trick."

Yang Zimei smiled wryly.

Sadako was a slave she dug out from the ground and formed a contract with her blood.

In her daily behavior, she did a watertight job, and she didn't see any conspiracy at all, except for a little weirdness.

[The above background information is half-truth and half-false, and cannot stand the test, please do not compare it to the truth]

(End of this chapter)

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