Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 788 The Surprising Sadako

Chapter 788 The Surprising Sadako

While Yang Zimei and Huo Wenhua were talking, several Japanese came up to Sadako one after another, saluted very respectfully, and then left without saying anything.

Sadako just looked at those saluting people indifferently, without any change in the color of her eyes.

It seemed that those people didn't salute her just now.

The eyes of the people present were also focused on Sadako because of the abnormal behavior of those Japanese.

Those Japanese people just now are all well-known jewelry and antique dealers in Japan.

They actually saluted a girl one after another, making people have to guess Sadako's identity.

Sadako's face has the characteristics of a Japanese woman, with a fair complexion, a soft temperament, and an elegant posture. Although she is wearing casual clothes, it cannot conceal her inherent nobleness.

Therefore, some people speculate that she should be from the Japanese royal family, or a family with a higher status.

"Who the hell is she? Why do even the Japanese salute her?"

Han Weiguang, who never looked away from Sadako, asked in doubt.

"Anyway, it's not like ordinary people, Wei Guang, don't even think about it. Although your family has a great career, it seems that they have a bigger background."

An Dongyang said sourly from the side, "In the past, we always thought that the fourth son of Guangyuan was domineering and awesome. Who would have thought that there are mountains beyond the mountains. Fortunately, we didn't offend them on the road that day, otherwise we don't know the consequences. What should be done."

Yang Zimei returned to Sadako with a complicated mood.

As soon as Sadako saw her, she immediately fell behind slightly and stood by her side.

"Zhenzi, what did those people say just now?" Yang Zimei asked.

"They all mistook me for Miss Jingming." Sadako replied.

"Perhaps, you should have been Miss Jingming, not now, but hundreds of years ago, otherwise, you wouldn't look so similar, would you?"

Yang Zimei looked at her and said.

Zhenzi looked indifferent, and looked back at Yang Zimei with black eyes, "I'm just Zhenzi now, your servant, what I was before is not important to me."

"You're not curious, and you don't want to pursue it?" Yang Zimei asked.

"The master is curious, so I am curious. If the master is not curious, it has nothing to do with me." Sadako replied.

Yang Zimei pursed her lips and said with a smile, "I'm very curious, so I hope Zhenzi can help me uncover your original life experience."


There was no resistance on Sadako's face, and she answered submissively.

While talking, another Japanese came over, but this time it was a woman wearing a noble kimono and expensive accessories, with a somewhat haughty expression.

This woman is Mrs. Sakurai, the largest jeweler in Japan. Her father has a certain status in Japan's politics and economy. In addition, her husband's family is the largest jewelry family, so she is extremely arrogant.

However, such a woman who doesn't take the world seriously, walked in front of Sadako, but lowered her haughty head, bent her body, with a fawning look on her face, "Miss Jingming, hello, I'm Sakurai Xiaoli, it's a great honor to meet you here!"

Many people present knew Mrs. Sakurai, and seeing her bowing to Sadako like this, everyone was surprised and talked about it.

"Miss Jingming? A member of the Jingming family in Japan?" Someone gasped, "I never expected to meet such a mysterious person here."

"Is it the Jingming family from the Japanese Onmyoji family?" Someone asked.

(End of this chapter)

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