Chapter 791 Auction (3)

Sadako's words were both soft and hard, with the domineering side of a superior!

When Mrs. Sakurai heard this, she looked terrified and said hastily, "Miss Jingming, I listen to you. Please accept this diamond. I won't argue with that child."


Sadako raised her willow eyebrows, and glanced at Mrs. Sakurai with glowing eyes.

Mrs. Sakurai was so nervous that her whole body was sweating coldly, "Yes, Miss Jingming, I will listen to you, forget about the previous things, and never hold any resentment in my heart."

"That's good."

Sadako's expression returned to a touch of indifference, but the sun water droplets in her hand did not send out again.

She had been following Yang Zimei just now, so she naturally knew that her master liked the sun drop very much, but she was too shy to participate in the bidding.

Now that she has resolved the conflict between Mrs. Sakurai and Antony, Mrs. Sakurai does not dare to ask for this thing anymore, so she accepts it and waits for someone to present it to the master.

Yang Zimei saw Da Le.

Originally, she sympathized with Anshi's fatherly heart, so she wanted him to resolve this matter through Mrs. Sakurai's awe of Sadako.

Unexpectedly, he also got 1000 million worth of sun drops by the way, which is really a pie in the sky.

Seeing that Mrs. Sakurai agreed to Sadako, Anshi would not be in trouble with Antony, and his hanging heart relaxed slightly.

Of course, he lost 1000 million in vain, and he was also heartbroken.

But no matter how heartbroken it was, it couldn't be more heartbroken than losing her daughter.

It can only be regarded as a waste of money to eliminate disasters.

After Anshi thanked Sadako and apologized to Mrs. Sakurai again, Fang walked out of the exhibition hall angrily, and found Antoni who was caught by An Dongyang outside, biting, screaming and scolding.

As soon as Antony saw him, she stopped yelling and scolding, looked at him with joy and anticipation, and shouted hastily, "Dad, where is my diamond? Give it to me, I want to wear it immediately!"

An Shi raised his palm and slapped it on Antony's face.

An Dongyang was stunned.

Antony was also stunned. She touched her burning and painful cheek, and looked at her father who had never been willing to move a finger of her in disbelief. Tears flowed down her cheeks, and she cried and asked in confusion, "Dad, Why did you hit me? Is it because I exceeded the auction price you stipulated? It’s just 1000 million more, you have tens of billions of assets, do you still care about this 1000 million? How can you be so cruel for 1000 million? Do you want to beat your delicate daughter? Do you only have money in your eyes? You really make me sad, I will never call you dad again! Woohoo, I want to tell mom!"

Listening to her daughter still not knowing why she was crying.

An Shi really felt that he had a headache!
He looked at Antony helplessly, and said sadly, "Toni, because of my negligence, you burned your brain before. It was my fault. What's more wrong is that I have been blindly pampering you, no Control your mouth and behavior, and make you a joke in the eyes of others. Do you know that you almost caused a catastrophe this time? If it weren't for Xiaomei and Miss Sadako, no matter how powerful I am, I would not Can't save you."

Antony looked at An Shi blankly.

She really didn't understand what her father was talking about.

I don't even understand why my father said that he has become a joke in the minds of others.

She thinks she is smart and beautiful, how could it be a joke?

Only clowns exist as jokes.

But she didn't know that she was already a strange creature close to a clown.

[The background is always pumping, the update is always unwilling to display in time, and it crashes. . 】

(End of this chapter)

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