Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 792 Black Rose Star

Chapter 792 Black Rose Star

After the auction of jewelry in the exhibition area was over, the link that Yang Zimei was looking forward to began, the auction of some ancient and mysterious treasures from all over the world.

The first one to appear was the black rose star that Huo Wenhua said earlier, which came from the Ust family, known as the vampire family.

The Ust family is considered a vampire family by outsiders because of their pale faces, purple lips, gloomy expressions, and love of darkness.

As for whether they are real vampires, no one can verify, and no one can see that they rely on blood sucking to maintain themselves.

All speculations are nothing more than outside speculation.

However, in the face of such rumors, the Ust family has remained silent, without any clarification, and continued to maintain a mysterious dark style.

Therefore, everyone believed more and more that they were the vampire family.

According to the auctioneer, this black rose star has a history of thousands of years. Because of the sudden tornado, the grapes grown in Ust Manor disappeared overnight.

Coupled with the financial turmoil, the Ust family, which relies on growing grapes to make wine, began to struggle to make ends meet, and decided to send the black rose star handed down by the family to the auction.

But this black rose star gave people a very ominous feeling, representing the power of darkness. After several auctions, it couldn't be sold, so it came to Guangyuan Auction.

The auctioneer picked up the black rose star necklace with a small stick.

Under the black black gold chain, hung a rose inlaid with seven black diamonds, noble, mysterious, and extremely shocking.

Yang Zimei was attracted by this chain!
She opened her eyes to see—

What she found made her gasp.

In the meantime, on the black rose, there was actually a lot of black ghost energy lingering, as if it was like a black hole, trying to swallow people's souls into it.

Such a wicked necklace?
No wonder, no one dared to auction it off!
"According to Baron Ust's request, the starting price of this black rose star is 5000 million. Next, please start bidding for gentlemen and girls who want to bid for this chain."

said the auctioneer.

There was silence.

Although other people don't have sky eyes like Yang Zimei and can see the black ghostly aura above, they can still vaguely feel the ominous dark aura surging above.

In terms of design and uniqueness, this chain is really unique and makes people want to collect it.

However, everyone was afraid that it would bring an ominous omen, especially since its owner was still rumored to be a family of vampires.

No one opened the auction.

Yang Zimei thought for a while, and couldn't help raising her sign and shouting, "5000 million!"

All eyes were on her——

Surprised, surprised, puzzled, even looked at her like a fool.

No one bids with her!
No one dared to bid with her!
Just now everyone saw Huo Wenhua and Mrs. Sakurai's attitude towards her. I don't know where she is from. If she offends this great god because of rushing to shoot, the result may be very bad.

What's more, they don't want to buy this ominous dark thing at all.

"5000 million, once!"

Even though no one bid was seen again, the auctioneer excitedly knocked on the hammer and shouted.

She thought that no one wanted the black rose star, but she didn't expect that there would be people bidding for it. It was an accident.

(End of this chapter)

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