Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 793 Brilliant Starlight

Chapter 793 Brilliant Starlight

"5000 million, twice!"

"5000 million, three times!"

The auctioneer's hammer thumped heavily on the table, "5000 million, deal!"

After transferring all the 5000 million on her card, Yang Zimei picked up the black rose star that would belong to her in the future.

A chill continuously penetrated into her palm, wandered and spread in her body, and a long-lost sense of comfort emerged spontaneously.

She hasn't absorbed the cold air for a long time!

This black rose star is simply perfect for her.

She looked at the necklace carefully, whether it was a chain or black diamonds, there was no trace of artificial sculpture at all, as if it was a natural thing.

"Xiaomei, aren't you afraid that it will bring you a bad omen?" Huo Wenhua asked beside him.

"It's okay, don't forget what profession I am in." Yang Zimei smiled.

Huo Wenhua nodded, "Yes, if you are afraid of it, then there is no need for others."

Yang Zimei held the black rose star and waited for the next auction item.

The items to be auctioned below are all distinctive and ancient, but Yang Zimei doesn't pay much attention to them.

For her, things without strong auspiciousness or evil spirits, no matter how beautiful they are, are ordinary objects and are not worth spending money on.

Finally, the final auction item - the star drill of the Jingming family, has finally arrived.

Most of the people present were waiting eagerly, with excited expressions on their faces. They were sitting here, waiting for this one.

The black rose star represents ominous dark things.

But the star diamond represents the auspicious thing of guardianship, which is what everyone wants.

The eyes of several Japanese present fell on Sadako.

They guessed that the reason Miss Jingming came here incognito was because she wanted to see the auction results of the star diamonds.

The expression on Zhenzi's face didn't change much, but there was a bit of heat in her usually indifferent and distant gaze, as if she had just seen Yang Zimei bring back the pentagram pendant.

The pendant is just an ordinary thing, she feels it so much, and now this star diamond is even more extraordinary.

Yang Zimei glanced sideways at Sadako, then also stared at the star diamond that was about to be revealed.

The yellow silk was carefully uncovered by the auctioneer——

On the black satin cloth lay an icy blue star diamond, quietly emitting a faint light, as if someone had plucked a star from the sky.

The people present felt like they were falling into a galaxy.

"What a nice view!"

I don't know who said it first.

Others also joined in.

Before Yang Zimei thought that the sun droplet was very dazzling, but now he found that compared with this star diamond, it simply lost its brilliance.

It's really beautiful, especially the icy blue light. Even the bunch of kyanites that Long Zhutian gave me in my hand seem to have faded a little.

Yang Zimei heard the heartbeat of her strong desire to have.

And Sadako, who was beside her, had a tear dripping from the corner of her eye, and the expression on her face was complicated and joyful that she had never seen before.

Why is Sadako so excited?
Could it be that she regained her previous memory?

Remember this star diamond is related to her?
Yang Zimei's heart suddenly became a little flustered.

Sadako, for her, is a very complicated and contradictory existence.

On the one hand, she hopes that Sadako can restore her memory and know what happened to her, on the other hand, she is afraid of all this happening.

(End of this chapter)

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