Chapter 794 Old Lady (1)


Yang Zimei called out, reached out to touch Sadako's fingers, and found that her fingertips were slightly cold.

Zhenzi was like waking up from a dream, her expression fluttered, she hurriedly turned her face, and looked at Yang Zimei in a daze, "Master, what's wrong?"

"You liked it a lot?"

Yang Zimei pointed at the starburst and asked.

Sadako nodded, "I like it very much."


"Seeing it was like seeing a missing part of my body."

Zhenzi looked at Yang Zimei earnestly, "Master, can you take a picture for me?"

Yang Zimei turned around to look around at the others, and found that everyone's eyes were flickering with enthusiasm, and they all wanted to hold the star diamond in their hands.

Not to mention Mrs. Sakurai next to her, she looked at the star diamond with eyes full of fanaticism and awe.

"I've run out of money."

Yang Zimei also loved that star diamond and wanted to take a picture of it, but she had no money.

She looked at Huo Wenhua again.

Huo Wenhua, who had seen almost all the jewels in the world, was also full of joy and love for the star diamond.

However, he heard the conversation between Yang Zimei and Zhenzi. Even though he loved the star diamond, he didn't understand why Zhenzi called Yang Zimei his master, and he didn't understand why if Zhenzi was Miss Jingming. I would be so excited about an item that my family put up for sale.

"Xiao Mei, if you want to take a picture, go ahead and do it, I'll lend you money." Huo Wenhua said to Yang Zimei.

"Thank you Mr. Huo."

For Huo Wenhua, Yang Zimei was really embarrassed.

"It's just a loan, no thanks."

Huo Wenhua smiled.

No matter how beautiful the star diamond was, it was just an auspicious object, not comparable to the auspiciousness brought to him by Yang Zimei, a living auspicious person.

Moreover, he believed that if he gave her such a favor, she would definitely return him a bigger favor, and the value would definitely be higher than that of Star Diamond.

The auction of the star diamond started, the starting price was directly 1000 million, and the price increased every [-] million.

Most of the people present were worth billions of dollars.

They didn't seem to care about such a high starting price, but began to conduct fierce bidding.

Yang Zimei remained silent, she was waiting for the final price so as not to waste her saliva.

The bidding reached one billion yuan, and the voices participating in the bidding gradually decreased, and there were only three or two left, including Mrs. Sakurai and another Japanese businessman.

There is also an unidentified mysterious old woman.

At first, no one noticed the old lady.

She was sitting in the back, dressed in the black clothes of an ordinary old lady, her hair was combed naked, her expression was strict, and there was no trace of wealth on her body, she was similar to an old lady walking casually on the street.

It was such an old lady who continued to bid 11 billion by raising her placard, which aroused everyone's attention.

If it weren't for the fact that this auction place had to go through property registration to enter, everyone suspected that she had come in to cause trouble.

When Mrs. Sakurai turned her head and saw the old lady, her complexion changed slightly, she stopped to continue bidding, her eyes just looked at the star diamond on the stage with nostalgia and helplessness, and the pain of not wanting appeared on her face .

Yang Zimei didn't understand why she was so afraid of the old lady behind her.

She couldn't help opening her eyes to observe the old lady.

The strange thing is that she has no way to detect any information about her, and there is only an unknown chaos around her.

(End of this chapter)

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