Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 805 Who is More Merchant

Chapter 805 Who is More Merchant (2)

"Isn't it worth 100 yuan?"

Yang Zimei counter-offered.

"300 yuan, buy it now, nothing less."

The stall owner was annoyed because he didn't have the money to fool Yang Zimei just now. This painting was basically a worthless thing he picked up in the garbage dump. The painting inside was rough, and it was a fake and inferior product. Therefore, he rolled it up on purpose. , to seduce the curiosity of customers, not to open it without paying, and to be able to fool one is counted as one.

"If you buy something worthless, it's a shame."

Yang Zimei sighed deliberately, pretending to be casual, and picked up the Buddha statue, "This thing is not worth a lot, it's fine to buy that painting for 300 yuan, but if you can sell this thing together, I'll take it back to fool you My brother, lie to him that it is an antique."

This bronze Buddha statue is not worth much, it was collected by the stall owner for a dollar.

"Okay, take it, take it, meet you, a shrewd little girl, and treat me as a big loser today." The stall owner looked heartbroken, but his heart was already happy.

I can earn 300 yuan today, which is not a small gain.

Yang Zimei gave him three hundred yuan, took the painting and the bronze Buddha statue in his hands, and smiled slyly at the shopkeeper, "Yes, you will definitely lose a lot today, just wait until you vomit blood."

"what do you mean?"

The stall owner asked while spitting and rubbing to see if the money was real.

"It's boring, haha."

Yang Zimei laughed, "Also, uncle, it's very unprofessional to play with hallucinogens on the Antique Street. Sooner or later, someone will sue you for taking off your pants."

After finishing speaking, she didn't care about the wonderful expression on the stall owner's face after being exposed.

Put those two things into the storage space ring, and continue to look for other leaks.

As expected of one of the best antique streets in the country, Yang Zimei was lucky enough to pick up another celadon porcelain bowl from the Shang Dynasty, the glaze color was green.

This kind of porcelain is called primitive porcelain in antiques. It uses kaolin as the body, and the firing temperature is as high as 1100-1200 degrees. Very weak, there is a metallic sound when knocked.

Because of its primitive craftsmanship, it is called "primitive porcelain" or "primitive celadon".

The shapes of the utensils include statues, beans, pots, urns, bowls, etc.

Yang Zimei was very happy holding this celadon porcelain bowl, and she probably didn't have to worry about the money in the near future.

She continued to wander around, and when she heard the crisp and sweet voice of a young girl peddling in front of her, she couldn't help but look——

Look fixed!
The girl was about 12 years old, with a pretty face, red lips and white teeth, black eyes, long black hair messily scattered on her shoulders, and a little old white dress on her body.

What attracted Yang Zimei's attention was not the girl's lightness and delicacy, but a mahogany plaque hanging around her neck!

On the booth in front of her, there are some miscellaneous imitations.

Behind the stall, there is a small table with a sixth grade math book and homework on it.

The girl peddled a bit, and seeing no one came, she squatted down in front of the small table, picked up a pen and started doing her homework.

As soon as a customer passed by, she immediately raised her head to sell.

Seeing that people were not interested in the objects on her stall, her big clear eyes dimmed, and she continued to bow her head to do her homework.

Seeing her like this, Yang Zimei's heart ached a little, as if seeing herself who had to run around for a living at a young age in her previous life.

However, she was even more curious about why this little girl also had a mahogany card.

(End of this chapter)

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