Chapter 806
Yang Zimei walked to the girl's stall.

The girl looked up, put down the pen in her hand, and showed an innocent and sweet smile, "Sister, take a look at my place and see if there is anything suitable for you."


Yang Zimei squatted down, flipping through the objects casually.

"Huh? Sister, the pendant you wear seems to be the same as mine."

The girl suddenly yelled in surprise, staring at Yang Zimei's neck and yelling.

Yang Zimei reached out to touch the mahogany plaque, pursed her lips and said with a smile, "Yes, what a coincidence, sister, where did you get your pendant from?"

"My mother bequeathed it to me."

The girl also reached out to touch the mahogany card, with a sad expression on her face, "My mother passed away last year."

Yang Zimei's heart sank, she was thinking of buying the girl's mahogany brand at a high price?

But she didn't expect that it meant so much to her.

"Sister, where did your pendant come from?" The girl looked at her with shining eyes, as if she had a sense of intimacy because of the same mahogany plaque.

"It was from my boyfriend."

Yang Zimei smiled.

"So that's how it is. I thought my mahogany card was unique, but I didn't expect you to have it too. What a surprise." The girl sighed.


Yang Zimei nodded, really wanted to ask her out loud if she would sell her the mahogany card, but she was embarrassed anyway.

"Little sister, can you sell that mahogany plaque around your neck? I'll give you 1 yuan."

A middle-aged man passed by, and he also saw the mahogany plaque on the girl's neck, his eyes lit up, and he asked aloud.

Yang Zimei looked up at him.

He has the elegant temperament of Song Xuan, and one can tell at a glance that he is a researcher of antiques.

Probably because I saw the same mahogany plaque on the neck of the girl as in the academic seminar, so I wanted to buy it.

The girl touched the mahogany card on her neck, shook her head and said, "Uncle, I'm sorry, this is left to me by my mother. No matter how much money you have, I won't sell it. You should take a look at my booth. Is there anything suitable for you?" Bar?"

"One hundred thousand!" The middle-aged man continued to offer.

When the girl heard the price, her expression froze, and her eyes lit up.

However, after thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "I can't sell what my mother left me."

"20 million!"

The middle-aged man saw the little girl's hesitation and continued to increase the price.

Hearing 20 yuan, the little girl was a little stunned, and stared blankly at the middle-aged man, "Uncle, you will spend 20 yuan to buy this from me? I am not made of gold or silver, but ordinary A sign made of mahogany."

"I just like this brand made of mahogany, little sister, 20, sell it to me, okay?" The middle-aged man saw the girl's heartbeat, and said seductively.

"I'll pay 100 million!"

Yang Zimei said.

When the girl saw someone offering 20 yuan, she wanted to sell her mother's relics. She couldn't sit still anymore and asked the price.

"elder sister--"

The girl looked at Yang Zimei in surprise, "Are you kidding me? You want to buy this from me for 100 million? Do you have that much money?"

"I have."

Yang Zimei nodded, "I can't let this mahogany card fall into other people's hands. If you want to sell it, just sell it to me."

The middle-aged man saw that Yang Zimei was robbing him for goods, and said annoyedly: "Girl, do you understand the market rules? Now I'm making a deal with her, how can you intervene?"

"Uncle, I was the one who discussed the deal with this sister first, and you got in later." Yang Zimei replied unceremoniously, "You are the one who doesn't understand the rules."

(End of this chapter)

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