Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 830 Who Has the Last Laugh

Chapter 830 Who Has the Last Laugh (1)

Everyone was surprised to find that her stone-resolving skills and skills were no worse than that of the stone-resolving master next to her who had been solving stones for decades, and she even seemed more skilled.

It is summer and the weather is hot.

Master Jieshi went all out to solve the stone, and Zhou Jieying pointed at him, his whole body was sweating profusely, and his clothes were soaked.

On Yang Zimei's side, it was like cutting tofu, as if it was effortless, the excess waste fell under the knife, and there was no sign of fatigue on her face, her face was leisurely and indifferent, with a smile on her lips, and her forehead She couldn't even see a drop of sweat, only a little cinnabar on her forehead made her skin whiter than snow.

what happened?

How can a girl who is only in her teens have such strength and skill in diagnosing stones?

Zeng Tianhua was completely stunned by his relative.

He has also unraveled stones for more than 20 years, knowing that this is not easy, he thought that Yang Zimei was not suitable for unraveling stones, but he did not expect that she would be so good at unraveling stones.

Could it be that she learned stone calculus from Murong Yunqing when she was very young?

When Xie was close to the emerald, Yang Zimei let go of Xie Dao and used the grinding wheel to grind it.

Under her hands, the grinding wheel seemed to be alive, a burst of stone dust rose up, and a touch of elegant green like the distant mountains appeared on her hands.

"It's... green!"

The sharp-eyed person was the first to yell, and there was an unbelievable surprise in that voice.

The audience suddenly fell silent for about 1 minute, and some people began to gasp, "It's really green!"

"What's so great about being green? Haven't I already solved three emeralds?"

Zhou Jieying said disdainfully from the side, "And I just met a green face, maybe it's because of the green skin!"

When everyone listens to her words, it is right to think about it.

It's only the first time green is produced here, it's not a big deal, not to mention, the remaining four pieces of wool are so small, even if you can get any emeralds, they don't have much competition, except for the one with ringworm. That piece, but ringworm eating green may be great.

Seeing that one of the woolen materials he selected finally turned green, Zeng Tianhua's heart was filled with excitement, but his face remained calm, and he scooped up a spoonful of clean water and poured it on.

The green cut surface washed away from the dust looks even more dark green.

The texture of this emerald is between transparent and opaque, like cooked glutinous rice, so it is called the ice waxy kind, which is slightly higher than the Huaqing kind.

"It's ice waxy species!"

The onlookers became nervous, "Let's see how big this jadeite is now. If it is too big, it may hit Miss Zhou's green jadeite."

"What are you afraid of? There are two other yuan." Someone responded.

"Well, that's right."


Yang Zimei continued to use the grinding wheel to grind out the jade completely, the size is only as big as a grown man's fist, but the color is very good, although it is ice waxy, it is so pure that there is no blemish, it looks like a jadeite by nature. The sitting Buddha statue can be carved and ground into a real Buddha statue according to this form in the future, and the value will be quite high.

The appraiser appraised that the value of this emerald is about 300 million.

As for Zhou Jieying's wool, Master Jie Shi had already cut it with a single knife. This time, he didn't see any green like the miracles of the previous three times, so he lost his bet.

Seeing that she had gambled away a piece of wool, Zhou Jieying's face completely sank.

Originally, betting up and down is a common thing in the stone gambling world. She has experienced a lot before, and she doesn't care about losing the bet. However, this time is different. She must not lose. Yes, she felt very uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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