Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 831 Who Has the Last Laugh

Chapter 831 Who Has the Last Laugh (2)

In order to make Zhou Jieying full of hope again, and then fall even better, Yang Zimei chose the fifth piece of wool, which was the only one that could not be solved.

Of course, it is also to prevent everyone from doubting whether she has special abilities.

On the fifth dollar, both of them lost their bets.

Zhou Jieying breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that she had won, and began to sneer again, "Some people don't think that they can win the whole situation if they solve one piece of jade, and there are three more, just your three stunted cheap jadeites." Goods, can you still solve the emeralds that are comparable to my gold-threaded green jadeite and red jadeite? Stop daydreaming, and wait to lose [-] million to me!"

"Ha ha!"

Yang Zimei smiled, and didn't argue with her too much, so as not to waste words, anyway, it's not her who will vomit blood later, but her.

Yang Zimei put the piece of wool that he had chosen for Zeng Tianhua on the stone machine to learn about it.

The fluorescent light of this wool material is a little stronger, it is estimated to be about the oil green species, but the size should not be small, because the area of ​​the jade-like light emitted is not small.

Yang Zimei's palm carefully felt the touch from the emerald, selected the cut surface, and began to cut.

Her cutting postures are too graceful and neat, appreciating it is like appreciating a performance, and everyone's eyes unconsciously fall on her, ignoring Zhou Jieying's situation instead.

After four cuts, a bright green color appeared.

"It's green! It's green!"

Zeng Tianhua who was at the side cried out in surprise, he completely forgot to put on his calm expression.

"It's really green again! The second piece is green!"

The others also shouted, and then looked at Zhou Jieying, and found that most of the wool had been untied, but there was still no green.

Those who had bet heavily on Zhou Jieying began to feel a little uneasy, and watched nervously as Yang Zimei completely unwrapped the jadeite from his hand.

The jadeite was as thick and long as a calf when it was unwrapped. After washing it in a clean water basin, it turned green, and it looked quiet and elegant in Yang Zimei's slender white hands, which was lovable.

"Niuniu, show me!"

Zeng Tianhua took the piece of jade and touched it repeatedly with his fingers, his face was full of affection.

He has gambled with stones all his life, but he has never gambled such a large piece of jadeite, even though this piece of jadeite is only a green seed.

Seeing this big jadeite, Zhou Jieying's face darkened.

The appraiser announced that the value of this piece of wool is about 600 million.

Her heart became even more flustered.

The total value of her three pieces of wool is about 300 million.

But now Zeng Tianhua's value has reached 900 million, only 400 million short.

The remaining three pieces of wool, Zeng Tianlong's piece of wool with ringworm, if it is not ringworm eating green, but can separate ringworm from green, then it is the best ice jadeite, and its value is immeasurable.

Her heart began to panic, and she began to silently pray that from the three remaining pieces of wool, she could solve the best jadeite and win Yang Zimei's side!
Others who bet on her also began to regret it a little.

As for the dealer who made peripheral bets, he felt a little bit about to collapse.

He walked up to Zhou Jieying and threatened viciously, "Miss Zhou, all my hopes are placed on you, you can't let me lose everything!"

"I will never lose!"

Zhou Jieying gritted her teeth and said, "I must let them lose everything!"

"Better! Otherwise..."

Zhuang's eyes fell on Zhou Jieying's chest that rose and fell due to excitement, "You have to be my woman!"


Zhou Jieying scolded angrily, "It's not your turn, a toad, to eat swan meat yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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