Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 851 Dirty political struggle

Chapter 851 Dirty political struggle (4)


Song Xuan sat down beside her, looked at her and said, "Xiao Mei, the tree is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. From now on, you should keep a low profile and don't let your edge be too exposed."

Yang Zimei smiled wryly.

She also wants to act in a low-key manner, and she also wants to be like an ordinary girl and only do what she likes.

But I don't know why, things are always pushed in the opposite direction, and they have to be high-profile every time.

For example, if she didn't stand up for the stone betting this time, her uncle would be trampled to death by that Zhou Jieying.

Of course, it was also because she was young and vigorous, and had poor self-control, so she couldn't help but strike when she saw something unpleasant.

"Instead of studying the photos here, you might as well go and have a face-to-face meeting with him. Aren't you able to pinch and count? Find out what he's thinking at the moment, and let Uncle Zeng avoid it."

Song Xuan suggested.

"Well, that's exactly what I mean. The biggest problem now is that my uncle won't listen to me. He thinks I'm just a child."

Yang Zimei said sadly.

"It depends on what you do. If you really have to, you might as well show your true skills." Song Xuandao.

"Hehe, my uncle is quite disgusted with divination and fortune-telling. If I tell him that I am a fortune teller, and if I figure out something wrong with him, he will definitely scold me for feudal superstition. What's more, I think he treats me like an ordinary child! Otherwise If not, I am worried that he will have some kind of estrangement towards me."

Because of her grandfather's lack of love for her, she really cherishes her uncle's love for her.


Song Xuan shook his head helplessly.

He really didn't understand Yang Zimei.

Sometimes, she looks calm, mature and indifferent, but sometimes she is very childish, like a child who desperately lacks love and longs for love.

"Mr. Song, I'm going to do acupuncture for you now, go out later and take a look at Zhou Qiang."

Yang Zimei stood up from the computer desk and resumed her original demeanor.

Song Xuan nodded.

Yang Zimei's acupuncture treatment to him every day was also something he was looking forward to extremely.

After each acupuncture session, he felt reborn as if he had been marrow-washed, and the life that was about to be exhausted was infused with new vitality.

Today he received a call from Lin Qingmei. She told him that the baby in her womb was moving a lot recently, and she kept kicking her so that she couldn't sleep. She probably missed her father.

Hearing this, he couldn't hold back his tears, and almost cried out.

For Lin Qingmei, he felt very guilty.

Now is the hardest period of her pregnancy. As her husband, he has not been able to be by her side and share the joys and sorrows of her pregnancy.

Of course, he is even more afraid of death now!

He can't die, and he can't abandon his wife and young son!
He wants to live, to live to see his son being born, to live to see his son grow up into the chubby figure drawn by Yang Zimei, alive and kicking beside him.

Therefore, he is full of expectations for Yang Zimei's acupuncture.

In order for him to recover better, Yang Zimei set up a gathering array in the most spiritual part of the courtyard to attract spiritual energy from all directions, and taught him the technique of guiding qi, letting him practice for a while every day.

He himself is the kind of person who can meditate and concentrate, and the progress of practicing Qi Guidance is faster than that of Huang Yunguo, and his understanding is extremely high.

Xuanmen Taoism is different from external hard skills. What is emphasized is a kind of understanding, which is the sublimation process of enlightenment.

Therefore, Song Xuan is very suitable for practicing Qi Guidance.

After Yang Zimei gave him acupuncture treatment, she told Zhenzi to cook medicine for him, hugged Xiaoqian and Lianyi, and was about to go out to take a look at Zhou Qiang's true face on Mount Lu.

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(End of this chapter)

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