Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 852 Zhou’s Gate

Chapter 852 Zhou’s Gate (1)

"Sister, take me out too, it's too boring at home."

Xiaoqian saw that Yang Zimei was only holding Lianyi and was about to go out, but wanted to keep him at home, and strongly objected, "You can't be so unfair, just take that fox out with Lianyi, and leave me at home to rot!"

"Ripple can read minds, but you can't."

Yang Zimei rolled his eyes and said.

The purpose of her taking Ripple out is also to let it read Zhou Qiang's heart and see what he is thinking.

However, the worst thing about Lianyi is that she can't communicate with her like Xuehu. It is too troublesome to write.


Xiaoqian snorted dissatisfiedly, turned her face away, expressing that she was angry with her and didn't want to talk to her anymore.

"There's really nothing I can do about you, just go out!"

Yang Zimei reluctantly pushed his stroller.

"Long live sister!"

Xiaoqian cheered and shouted, "I love my sister the most, and my sister is the best!"

Yang Zimei was embarrassed.

This little guy seems to have imprisoned him for a long time!
"Zhenzi, Xiao Qianlianyi and I went out, you can take care of Mr. Song at home."

Yang Zimei found that it was a bit troublesome to take Sadako out. She was too eye-catching. In an international metropolis like Guangyuan, Japanese people are not uncommon. She didn't want to be the focus of attention because of Miss Jingming's identity.

"Yes, Master."

Sadako nodded obediently, "I will take good care of Mr. Song."

"Thank you."

According to the address provided by Song Xuan, Yang Zimei found the Zhou family's residence.

She parked the car in a parking lot not far away.

Tucking his ice-blue long hair into a sun hat, wearing a pair of big sunglasses that can cover most of his face, holding Lianyi in one hand, and pushing Xiaoqian in the other hand, he started strolling around the door of Zhou's house.

The Zhou family lived in an ordinary small building, no different in appearance from the bungalows of the surrounding residents.

Moreover, this is not a noble residential area, but an ordinary community.

The dignified mayor lives in such a place, and he looks really clean and honest!

Yang Zimei had to admire Zhou Qiang's thoughtfulness.

If she hadn't known that his daughter Zhou Jieying owned hundreds of properties, she might have naively thought that the mayor of Zhou really had nothing to do.

She opened her celestial eye to observe the building of Zhou's house, and found that the Feng Shui of this building is really good.

And above this building, there is a white auspiciousness floating faintly.

It seems that in this building, there is a very good mascot shaking the house, thus forming a good auspicious atmosphere.

While Yang Zimei was observing the building, a white open-top Maserati drove slowly past her.

Sitting in the car was Zhou Jieying, with a pair of big sunglasses covering her red and swollen face from Huang Deshou's beating.

The car stopped, and Zhou Jieying got out of the car.

She no longer had the aura she had when we first met, and became somewhat depressed.

Zhou Jieying stood in front of the car, looked at the house in front of her, but didn't go in immediately, but took a deep breath while rubbing her chest.

He took only two steps, but stopped again, hesitating and not daring to go forward.

"Ripple, go see what she's thinking."

Yang Zimei whispered to Lianyi, putting it on the ground.

Lianyi ran over and ran to Zhou Jieying.

It can only read the minds of people within one meter, and it can only be directly opposite.

(End of this chapter)

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