Chapter 873 Cute Boy (1)

Unfortunately, when he was having this urge, Arnold walked in, "Young Master Long, the Lord is looking for you."

Long Zhutian's face, which was originally full of tenderness, changed in an instant, and returned to coldness, and a cold light flashed across his slightly blue pupils, which made A Nuo's back slightly shudder.

"Sister, I have something to do, so let's not talk about it."

Although Long Zhutian's tone was still soft, Yang Zimei still felt a little change, and she also heard A Nuo's voice on the phone.

These days, her English listening comprehension has improved, and she can roughly understand it, as if someone was looking for Long Zhutian.

"Go, love you, wait for you!"

Yang Zimei said very reluctantly.

"Love you!"

Long Zhutian's tone was solemn and tender, and he said these two words that Yang Zimei would never tire of hearing.

After speaking, he hastily hung up the phone.

"Young Master Long—"

A Nuo looked at Long Zhutian worriedly, "Can't you let go?"

Long Zhutian gave him a cold look, turned around and walked out without humming...

Holding the phone, listening to the beeping busy tone coming from inside.

Yang Zimei felt lost for a while.

Leaning against the river, blowing the river wind, I quietly recalled the little things I got along with Long Zhutian, with a burst of joy and a burst of melancholy.

Suddenly, someone ran towards her like a gust of wind, reaching out to grab her arm.

Yang Zimei dodged...

The man's hand fell to nothing.

"Student, don't be overthinking it!"

A clear voice called out, as if he wanted to reach out to her, but he didn't dare, as if she was made of bubbles, as long as he stretched out his hand, it would shatter.

Don't be overwhelmed?

Yang Zimei looked suspiciously at the person who suddenly appeared in front of her.

This is a very handsome and clean boy, wearing the black and white school uniform of Guangyuan Middle School, with short and flat hair, a pair of eyelashes are particularly prominent on his face, thick and slightly curly, he is probably jealous of other girls.

He was looking at himself anxiously, pointing to his feet, making gestures, his voice lowered, with a soft inducement, "Student, you are still young, young and beautiful, and there is a long way to go in life. Don't worry about something. I can't think about it, no matter what happens, if you grit your teeth, it will pass..."

Yang Zimei looked at him puzzled, unable to understand why he said such words to herself, "What are you talking about?"

"What I mean is, you stand here first, don't stand here, it's dangerous, if you have any difficulties, you can talk to me, I'm willing to be your dumpster."

The boy said anxiously.

Yang Zimei looked down at his feet, and found that he was stepping on the very edge of the bridge. If he was not careful, he would miss his foot and fall into the river. The situation was indeed very dangerous.

She understood that the boy rushed over and reached out to grab her just now, because he thought that he would jump into the river to commit suicide because he couldn't see it.

She blinked, with a hint of cunning in her eyes, smiled faintly at the boy, then turned over...

The whole person fell down the river.

"do not want!"

The boy yelled and reached for her, but there was nothing.

Yang Zimei fell into the river with a plop...

The boy dropped his bag on the ground and jumped down too.

When he fell into the bottomless river, he realized that he didn't know how to swim.


He thumped in the water, yelled in horror, choked a mouthful of river water in his mouth, and sank down.

(End of this chapter)

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