Chapter 874 Cute Boy (2)

Seeing this situation, Yang Zimei, who wanted to tease him, swam over in a hurry, picked him up, and dragged him to the shore for rescue.

The boy spit out a few mouthfuls of water, his face was pale, he woke up slowly, saw Yang Zimei who was dripping all over his body, sat up suddenly, looked around, and asked sullenly, "I... am I not dead?"


Seeing how playful he was, Yang Zimei lied to him, "Now, what we can see is our soul."

After finishing speaking, she also quietly used her fingers to create a gloomy white mist around her, and even attracted a few ethereal wandering spirits for him to see.

The boy's lips trembled and his body trembled with fear, "I...why did I die? I don't want to die, I don't want to die."

"You don't want to die, why did you jump down with me?"

Yang Zimei couldn't figure it out, he obviously didn't know how to swim, so why did he follow her so bravely to save others?

"I didn't think about that much, I just thought about not letting you die, I wanted to save you, forgetting that I can't swim anymore." The boy buried his head in his knees with a frustrated face, "I didn't expect that not only could I not save you, but Let yourself die too."

"Then are you blaming me?"

Yang Zimei asked.

"I don't blame anyone, and you didn't tell me to jump." The boy raised his head again, looked at her and asked, "What is it that makes you so overwhelmed that you want to commit suicide by jumping into the river?"

"I don't know, I just want to try jumping into the river!"

Yang Zimei's answer really made him dumbfounded.

His originally gentle face suddenly became furious. He got up and grabbed Yang Zimei's collar, screaming, "I don't know? Is death so fun? Is it so easy for your parents to raise you? Knowing that you have such a heart, I am not so stupid, you will die if you love, and even make me die if you are tired, you are too much!"

He became angry, like a tyrannosaurus, his face flushed, and he looked very cute.

"I just think it's so fun, who made you so stupid?"

Yang Zimei deliberately pretended to be cynical and said, "I jumped into my river, what are you doing?"

"Yes, I am stupid, I am stupid! How could I die to save someone who is not worth it? How can I be worthy of my parents like this? Huh..."

He suddenly cried again...

Yang Zimei was embarrassed, she realized that she seemed to be taking a big joke.

This innocent and cute big boy seems to be really stimulated.

Hastily drove away the gloomy air and wandering spirits, reached out and patted his shoulder, "Don't cry, you're not dead yet!~"

"I'm not dead?"

The boy raised his tearful eyes and asked her in disbelief.

"Bite yourself. If it doesn't hurt, you're dead. If it hurts, you won't die. It is said that ghosts don't hurt. Yang Zimei said."

He really raised his hand and took a hard bite on the back of his hand.


He screamed and jumped up, shaking his wrists.

Yang Zimei looked at the back of his hand with deep bite marks and blood dripping in sweat.

This girl's cuteness and innocence are really extraordinary.

The boy looked at the back of his hand, the face that was grinning from the pain suddenly became ecstatic, and he threw his fist into the air, shouting, "So I'm not dead, so I'm not dead, too All right!"

Seeing him rejoicing like a child, Yang Zimei couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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