Mad Queen

Chapter 1158 Let You Hate Me

Chapter 1158 Let You Hate Me
"Wan Wan..."

Xuanyuan Yutian was heartbroken and his eyes were red.

"You go out, I have to get dressed!!"

Gu Ziwan stared stubbornly and turned her head, coldly, she no longer looked at Xuanyuan Yutian.

She was afraid that if she took another look, she would lose her dignity.

In her previous life, she was blind and fell in love with a man who schemed against her.

In this life, she thought that she had opened her eyes, but who knew, it was still such a trick of fate.

Thinking about it, she, Gu Ziwan, will be lonely for the rest of her life! !
"Wan Wan..."

"go out!!"

Gu Ziwan's voice was cold and devoid of emotion.

She put all her breakdowns into her stubbornness.

Even if you want to cry, you must not cry for him! !
Xuanyuan Yutian looked at her distressedly, his lips trembled, and finally turned and left without saying anything.

The moment the door was closed, Gu Ziwan's tears rolled down like a bank.

Covered with a quilt, she cried desperately.

Outside the door, Xuanyuan Yutian heard Gu Ziwan's crying, and wanted to rush in several times, but finally stopped when he raised his hand to push the door.

"Wan Wan..."

How much he wanted to hold her in his arms and wipe away her tears.

But he can't! !

"Wanwan, let you hate me..."

He slowly closed his eyes, tears falling silently.

In the room, Gu Ziwan's crying gradually died down and finally disappeared.

He waited for a long time, his feet were numb, before he opened the door and entered.

She was still curled up on the bed, but had already fallen into a deep sleep.

His eyes were red and swollen, and there were tears on his face.

"Wanwan... I'm sorry..."

He knelt down by the bed, trying to wipe the tears off her face, but he didn't do it in the end.

He was afraid that if he moved, he would wake her up.

At that time, she will definitely drive herself out.

So be it! !
Just watching her tears like this is good! !
"Wan Wan, I've been looking for you for so long... I don't want to lose you anymore... I can't lose you anymore... Do you know?! Yaoyao..."

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Gu Ziwan woke up with numbness in her arms.

Eyes are swollen, very uncomfortable.

Turning over, the crimson bead curtains were imprinted in the eyes.


All the things before she fell asleep came to mind again.


She murmured, then suddenly gave a wry smile, sat up while hugging the quilt, and grabbed the clothes on the bed.

Just looking at it, I feel a little depressed.

The clothes were torn to pieces by Xuanyuan Yutian, and he couldn't wear them at all.

When he was thinking about whether to wear casually or wrap himself in a quilt, he suddenly saw a long red feather gauze dress on a hanger on one side.

The color of the long skirt is bright, red like blood, dazzling.

"This is?? For me?!"

She turned her head around and did not see Xuanyuan Yutian's shadow, so she got up and took her clothes to put on.

"It's just right?!"

This dress is also strange, it is the same size as hers.

The room she was in was luxurious and elegant, not like the kind of pretentious local tyrant's house, which smelled of copper.


"This room...have I been here?? Why does it feel familiar?!"

Gu Ziwan muttered as she put on her shoes, and when she looked up, she saw the coral-colored dressing table.

After a little hesitation, he still walked over.

In the crystal mirror, her eyes were swollen and red, as if she had suffered endless grievances.

Slightly lowering her eyes, she saw a long agarwood box inlaid with emerald jade.

"what is this?!"

She opened it curiously, and saw a red step shaker.

"This step...why is it red?"

(End of this chapter)

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