Mad Queen

Chapter 1159

Chapter 1159
She can be regarded as someone who has seen the world, but she has never seen a red Bu Yao.

The steps are like blood, as gorgeous as a feather gauze dress, and the tentacles are warm and moist, and the material cannot be seen.


Gu Ziwan suddenly turned her head and looked behind her, looking at her clothes and surrounding decorations, she suddenly realized.

"This is... the boudoir?!"

Only a woman's boudoir can be decorated so gently!
With Xuanyuan Yutian's temperament, he would never design the room like this.

Turning her eyes slightly, she saw that there was a blank space on the wall, but judging from the traces, it should be a scroll hanging on it, but it was taken down now.

"This...can't be that...Yaoyao's...boudoir, right?!"

Gu Ziwan suddenly looked at the clothes on her body, and just as she was about to take them off, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Under the light and shadow, Xuanyuan Yutian stood tall, holding a bowl of steaming porridge in his hand.

"Wan Wan..."

Gu Ziwan's heart seemed to be stabbed by something, the pain was unbearable.

Suddenly lowering her eyes, she walked to the door.

At the moment when he passed by, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the pain in Xuanyuan Yutian's eyes.

"Wan Wan..."

Seeing her pass by with no expression on her face, Xuanyuan Yutian wanted to grab her, but held back and didn't reach out.

Gu Ziwan suddenly stopped, turned around and walked towards him, and stood firmly in front of him, her eyes determined.

"Xuanyuan Yutian, I'm here to tell you solemnly, from now on, the two of us will make a clean break and have nothing to do with each other again... As for our marriage, it's just a joke..."

"Wan Wan..."

"From now on, if you marry a wife and I marry someone, you won't interfere with each other, OK?!"

Regardless of whether Xuanyuan Yutian was "OK", Gu Ziwan left after speaking.

She was afraid that if she looked at him for a second longer, she would be so distressed that she would never be able to leave again.

The pain in his eyes and the helplessness on his face both pierced her heart.

Yesterday, she had cried enough! !

Today, she will stop crying for him! !

don't want! !
Gu Ziwan looked up at the sky, took a deep breath, and forcefully poured back the tears that floated up.


The ripples spread, and she reappeared in that garden.

Suddenly looking back, if she realized something——


Yes! !
What she entered yesterday must be Xuanyuan Yutian's space.

"Xuanyuan Yutian..."

Gu Ziwan gritted her teeth suddenly.

"You actually took that monster's... room with you!! It seems that you are really affectionate!! Then what am I?! Is it a joke?!"

After leaving the barrier, Situ Yao was yawning there, and when he saw her coming out, he immediately greeted her with a smile.

"Second miss..."

Seeing that Miss Er has changed her clothes, everything that should happen to her and her master must have happened.

Since this happened, she will be his mistress in the future, so naturally she should be more respectful.


The second lady's eyes are wrong! !

Situ Yao's smile gradually froze, he blinked and looked at Gu Ziwan who was glaring at him, feeling guilty and timid.

"Second... Second Miss... What about you?!"


Gu Ziwan snorted arrogantly, walked quickly with her head held high.

"Hmph?!" Situ Yao became more and more confused: "What does hum mean?? Why doesn't he seem happy??"

Before she could finish her thoughts, she suddenly saw Gu Ziwan turn around again, her silver teeth clenched.

"Let me ask long have you been following Xuanyuan?!"

"……For a long time……"

Gu Ziwan hesitated for a moment, but turned around and left abruptly, holding back the words she wanted to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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