Mad Queen

Chapter 1293 You, Damn

Chapter 1293 You, Damn

"What are you doing??"

Gu Ziwan was taken aback.

This guy seems to be hibernating recently. He only knows how to eat, drink and sleep. He is so excited today. What is the meaning?
Shouldn't it be Sichun? !
Mimi grabbed Gu Ziwan's clothes and went straight to the back corner of the palace wall.

"Mimi? What did you bring me to this place for?"

Unexpectedly, Mimi didn't stop, but also crossed the palace wall and rushed to the outside of the palace.

Gu Ziwan was startled, and quickly flew up to follow.

"what happened?"

After leaving the palace, Mimi headed west of the city.

Outside the west of the city, there is a deserted manor. After a long time, it has become a shelter for the homeless.

"Mimi, what did you bring me here for?"

Gu Ziwan did not rush in directly, but flew up to the courtyard wall, then up to the roof, and looked around.

Mimi rushed directly to the abandoned woodshed behind, calling "Mimi".

Gu Ziwan's eyes sank slightly, she flung herself down, her clothes fluttering.

The chaimen was locked, and groans could be vaguely heard from inside.


Breaking the lock, a rancid smell came out.


Mimi rushed in first, jumping into someone's arms.

The moment Gu Ziwan saw that person, her pupils shrank and her heart trembled.

"Gu Zheng?!"

The person in front of her turned out to be Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng shrank in the corner, looking at the figure under the light in horror.

She was like a god descending, covered with a layer of light, unable to see her face clearly.

"Gu Zheng, why are you here?"

Gu Ziwan flew to Gu Zheng's side, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Aren't you in the Holy Land of Buddhism? Why..."

Looking down, she saw the injury on Gu Zheng's calf, and her voice stopped abruptly.

On his calf, a piece of white bone was broken, and the skin was poked out, which was already festering and festering.

She tentatively touched it, but Gu Zheng cried out in pain and dodged in horror.

His appearance broke Gu Ziwan's heart.

"I'm's my sister who hurt you..."

As soon as Gu Zheng cried, there were also crying sounds from around him.

Around Gu Zheng, there are quite a few physically disabled children like him.

These children were not very old, no more than ten years old. They were lying crookedly on the cold floor, sobbing and crying, or looking at her blankly and desperately, as if they were waiting for the god of death to come.


The cries in the woodshed alarmed the people in the abandoned manor.

A few big men came shouting, holding sticks and stones picked up at random in their hands, looking menacing.

Gu Ziwan did not turn her head, but cut Gu Zheng's finger with her nails, squeezed out a drop of blood, drew a talisman with the blood, and slammed it into her eyes.

In an instant, everything that Gu Zheng encountered flashed through her mind one by one.

"You... damn it!!"

She didn't turn around, just grasped her right hand lightly and lightly.

The few people who came up behind suddenly froze, and immediately fell to the ground and screamed.


"my head……"

"It hurts..."


In the screams, someone's head seemed to be squeezed hard, deformed and twisted.

Some people's limbs are spinning in the opposite direction, as if they want to snap off their limbs.

There are also people whose body is curled up like a shrimp, as if their internal organs are all twisted in one place, and the pain penetrates into the bone marrow.

Looking at them, Gu Ziwan slowly got up, turned around and stood up.

"For the sake of petty profits, and to cheat more money, you actually have the heart to mutilate these children... use their life's pain to feed you with that little money..."

(End of this chapter)

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