Mad Queen

Chapter 1294 Chaos has emerged

Chapter 1294 Chaos has emerged
She stood quietly, with her hands slightly open, as if she was holding the power over the lives of several people.

"Now, I won't take your lives... because I want you to spend the rest of your life to taste what life is better than death, and you can't ask for death!!"

Blood popped out from the fingertips, painted into a spell, and landed on several people.

In the next life, they will die bit by bit in such endless pain.

Unbearable pain, want to commit suicide?

Didn't think so! !

With her here, the underworld dare not accept it! !

If you don't feel pain for the last 50 to [-] years, you won't even want to die! !
He turned around and hugged Gu Zheng, pointed at the back of his head, made him faint, and then sent out a signal to summon Jian Shisan and others.

Seeing Gu Zheng, Jian Shisan's expression suddenly changed: "Miss, third young master, this is..."

"He's fine... he just received his injuries and was frightened again..."

Compared with Gu Zheng's trauma, she was more worried about his mind.

From the first time he saw her, Gu Zheng acted as if he didn't know her, his eyes were terrified, as if he was facing a stranger.

Moreover, it seems that it is difficult to speak, and he is not good at communicating.

From beginning to end, he never spoke a word to her.

When seeing Gu Zheng's injury, Hua Linlang almost fainted.

After he had bandaged the wound, he stayed by his side without daring to move.


Yan Du flew up and motioned for Gu Ziwan to come out.

"what happened?"

"Master One Soul Seeking..."

"So fast?" Gu Ziwan frowned slightly.

As soon as she brought Gu Zheng back here, Master One Soul appeared on the other side.

In the yard, Master Yihun turned around when he heard movement behind him.

I haven't seen him for a few days, and Master Yihun is obviously haggard a lot.



Master One Soul clasped his hands together and bowed deeply.

"My Buddhist family was entrusted by the Lord, but I failed to take good care of Gu Zheng. I am really ashamed..."

"Master, there is no need to blame yourself. This is Gu Zheng's destiny, his catastrophe, as it should be, and we cannot force it..."

Gu Ziwan stepped forward quietly and stood with downcast eyes.

"What I'm worried about now is Gu Zheng's mind... I always feel that something is wrong with him, does Master know what's going on?"

"After Gu Zheng's soul was injured, it was as if he was reborn, and everything returned to zero... Now he, like a newborn, sees a new world, and his consciousness is also newly born..."

"No wonder!"

Gu Ziwan instantly felt relieved.

No wonder Gu Zheng had such a frightened expression when he saw her.

Because in his pure consciousness, everything he encountered was sinful and vicious.

Therefore, outsiders are also terrifying to him.

"Gu Zheng's new life can be regarded as his return from Nirvana!"

Gu Ziwan clasped her hands together and saluted respectfully.

"Master, please thank the Buddhist family for me!! If it weren't for them, Gu Zheng might be left with only a shell, and he would never wake up..."

"The words of the Lord, I will definitely bring..."

Facing Gu Ziwan, Master Yihun felt the oppression in his bones.

This is the unique coercion of the superior.

Feng Yao Shangjun, a born king, claims to be domineering.

"Shangjun, I'm here this time, and there is one more thing... I want to ask Shangjun!"

"Master, please speak!"

"My old man watched the stars at night and found that the Yunding Empire has become chaotic... The cultivation of the above gentleman will not be found out, I don't know..."

"I know……"

"Then does the Lord have a way to deal with it?"

Gu Ziwan raised her eyebrows lightly, with a half-smile: "What does the master mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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