Mad Queen

Chapter 1342

Chapter 1342
"Xuanyuan Che..."

Mu Shuiyi screamed and stood up, but saw the black shadow rushing towards her face instantly, swallowing her instantly.


Exclaiming, Mu Shui instinctively hugged her head.

After a feeling of weightlessness and dizziness, Mu Shuiyi felt as if he was being thrown away, and fell to the ground.


Below him was Xuanyuan Che's scream.

When she opened her eyes and saw that she was pressing on Xuanyuan Che's body, she couldn't help being startled.

"It's you?"

Xuanyuan Che was more confused than her: "Why are you?? We were reincarnated together?!"

"What? You really want to be reincarnated?"

A cold sneer came from beside the two of them.

"If you want to reincarnate, I can fulfill you!"

The two stood up in shock, supporting each other and retreating.

In front of them, the black figure stood in the void, with a pair of eyes pierced from the darkness, like two sharp knives, making it hard for the two of them to breathe smoothly.

"You... who are you?"

Mu Shuiyi went through all the demons, ghosts and sprites in his own head, but there was no such a state of black mist.

"Who am I... It doesn't matter, what matters is who are you?!"

The black shadow stood in the void, floated up, sniffed the two of them from top to bottom, and suddenly laughed out loud.

"This is really God helping me..."


Xuanyuan Che and Mu Shuiyi looked at each other, both very puzzled.

After the black shadow laughed enough, he asked in a low voice——

"What does God help you?"

"What do you want us to do??"

"doing what??"

Heiying smiled sinisterly again, staring at the two of them dead with his eyes, gnashing his teeth.

"Don't you...don't you want revenge?!"


Mu Shuiyi and Xuanyuan Che looked at each other again.

revenge? ?
Between the two of them, it seemed that the enmity had been cleared, and there was no enmity to speak of.

Xuanyuan Che frowned: "This... Your Excellency... I don't know what you want us to do?? We have all become dead ghosts, so how can there be any grudges to avenge?? Besides, even if there is a grudge, it's just the two of us You look like this, what can you do?!"

"No hatred?? Are you so willing to be schemed by Hades and become a wild ghost?"

Hei Ying sneered and squinted at Mu Shuiyi.

"As for you... You probably didn't know it until you died. In fact, Gu Ziwan is using you for everything, right? Why did she want to save your life in the end?! It's just so that you can kill him and eliminate the obsession in your heart Long-cherished wish... because only by eliminating obsession and long-cherished wish can you be reincarnated willingly..."

His words made Xuanyuan Che and Mu Shuiyi's hearts stir up waves.

"You... who are you? How can you know so clearly??"

How could he know about their previous lives?
"I said...don't care who I am! You just need to tell me...whether you want revenge!!"

Mu Shuiyi wanted to ask more questions, but Xuanyuan Che grabbed his wrist with a firm grip.

"I don't know how your Excellency...plans to help us avenge?!"

In Heiying's eyes, a smile seemed to faint, and he suddenly chuckled: "Who do you know... Xuanyuan Yutian and Gu Ziwan... are they?!"

"Who?" Mu Shuiyi was confused when asked.

Isn't it just two people?
Who else could it be? !
But Xuanyuan Che thought of something, took a breath——

"What you're talking about... isn't Feng Yao... Shangjun... right?!"

(End of this chapter)

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