Mad Queen

Chapter 1343

Chapter 1343
Mu Shuiyi's eyes widened, and she lightly tugged at Xuanyuan Che's sleeve: "What is Feng Yao... Shangjun?? Who is Feng Yao? Who is Shangjun?"

Xuanyuan Che didn't have the heart to answer her curiosity, and couldn't wait to ask: "What exactly do you want us to do?? The two of us are souls, waiting for reincarnation and dying, what else can we do?!"

Hei Ying Jie Jie laughed lowly: "Your role... is great, it mainly depends on whether you want to make a difference!!"

"We... If we do something, what good will it be?"

"The benefits...of course there are..."

The black shadow suddenly turned into a cloud of black mist, filling the surroundings.

"If it is said... to give you an immortal body... how about it??"


Xuanyuan Che looked at Mu Shuiyi and winked.

He doesn't know much about profound arts such as immortality, and at this time, Mu Shuiyi is still needed to make the decision!
It's just that Mu Shuiyi doesn't fully trust Soi Ying.

She cultivates vitality and knows what the consequences of violating God's will will be.

The two of them are already souls, even so, they will still die, they will be wiped out, and their souls will be scattered.

Since ancient times, how can there be any real immortality? !
Even if you want to become the indestructible body of King Kong, you have to pay a price for it, not to mention the price of immortality! !

"Xuanyuan, let's forget it..."

Mu Shuiyi lowered his eyes.

"The enmity between the two of us has been cleared, so why not stop here... Let's all be safe, go to reincarnation, let's live again, why take another risk?"

Before Xuanyuan Che could reply, the black mist suddenly formed in front of him, turning into a huge human face, which shocked the family behind him and swallowed it back abruptly.

"Xuanyuan Che, are you so willing?!"


"Did you won't even see Gu Ziwan for the last time! Xuanyuan Yutian never gave you a chance to see her..."

Xuanyuan Che's eyes moved: "It's not that Xuanyuan Yutian doesn't help me... It's just that Gu Ziwan doesn't see me..."

"Ha ha……"

The black shadow suddenly laughed like a gust of wind, and Xuanyuan Che couldn't even open his eyes.

"Idiot!! It's a waste of all my efforts to avenge your revenge and get your revenge, but you are just a dou who can't help you... You deserve Xuanyuan Yutian to play with you between applause... Forget it!! You are willing to be so humiliated, what else can I do for you??"

"Your mean...what Wan'er replied...was not Wan'er's voice at all, but...what Xuanyuan Yutian did?"

"Haha... you idiot, you are not stupid enough to save..."


Listening to the conversation between the two sides, Mu Shuiyi became more and more desperate: "Xuanyuan Che...what's going on?? What's going on?? What Xuanyuan Yutian? What Wan'er?? My senior sister...what's going on!? "

Xuanyuan Che stared at her slowly, with rippling eyes and shortness of breath, which made Mu Shuiyi flustered even more.

"Xuanyuan Che, are you talking?! What's going on?"

"What's going on? Let me tell you..."

The black shadow turned into a human shape and came step by step, but the facial features were still blurred, leaving only the eyes clear.

"Gu Ziwan and Xuanyuan Yutian... are not their real names!! The two of them have another identity... about this identity, Xuanyuan should be clearer, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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