Mad Queen

Chapter 162 Dead Puppet

Chapter 162 Dead Puppet
It seemed that this person knew of her arrival.

With the sound of "squeak", the door that was originally closed was opened a crack, and the howling cold wind swept in from inside.

Gu Ziwan pushed the door and entered, looking around fiercely: "Since you know I'm coming, why do you avoid seeing me?!"


The flames jumped, and the candles in the ancestral temple were lit, and it was as bright as day in an instant.

Around her, a humanoid sculpture stood there, motionless.

Gu Ziwan stared at them, looked at them one by one calmly, did not find Gu Yan's figure, felt relieved invisibly, and immediately dismissed her lips.

"It's just dead puppets!! What?? Are you going to use them to welcome me, or use them to test me?!"

Before the words fell, all the puppets moved in an instant, and they all raised their hands to grab Gu Ziwan.


Snorting coldly, Gu Ziwan drew a spell with her fingertips and shot it out with a bang.


The spell landed on the forehead of the first person, instantly disappeared into the body, and his movements also stopped abruptly.

Pulling out the Jue with her fingers, Gu Ziwan took a step back: "The body and soul are united, listen to my orders, get up!"

The puppet's arm trembled.

Gu Ziwan smirked and raised her lips, a drop of blood popped out from her fingertips: "Want to play?? I'll accompany you!!"

The blood drop was cut into several small blood dots, which bounced into the eyebrows of each puppet.

Their original movement of grabbing Gu Ziwan was stopped abruptly, as if they had been turned off by everyone.

Backing away silently, Gu Ziwan poured vitality into her own blood spots and connected them to form an invisible puppet line.

"Guys, let's say hello!!"

All the wooden idols were like marionettes, and they all raised their hands to say hello.

"Hi!!" Gu Ziwan laughed happily, looking around playfully: "If I'm not mistaken, this is your lair, right?! Do you want me to demolish them, or burn them?!"

With a light flick of her fingertips, she directed the puppets towards the candles. Each of them held up one, and walked in all directions with a blank expression, as if they were going to ignite the ancestral temple.

"Stop!" A shout came from the darkness.

Gu Ziwan turned around slowly, and smiled awkwardly: "Stop if you say stop?!"


The candle in the puppet's hand fell suddenly, instantly igniting the surrounding rags and broken wood.


A black spell ignited in the opponent's hand.

"Wizard??!" Gu Ziwan's pupils shrank.

The spells used by wizards and sorcerers are different. Most of the spells used by sorcerers are made of medicinal materials and strange things, and their color is yellow.

However, the wizard's spell is black. As for how it was made, it is a mystery.

"Cross the blast, open..."

The howling wind roared in from outside the door, and it was cold to the bone, instantly extinguishing all the flames.

In the darkness, the man stood quietly: "I can't see that you, a little girl, have some skills, and you can use magic to counterattack and control my puppet!! But... the two of us seem to be in harmony with each other, you Why do you meddle in other people's business?? You magicians don't seem to care about people's lives?!"

"I don't care about their life or death, I only care about my interests!!" Gu Ziwan raised her head proudly: "I came here to ask you for someone!!"

"Oh?? Since it's a business, it's easy to say!!"

The candle was lit again, revealing a hideous face.

His face seemed to have been cut with countless bloody mouths, full of scars.

Gu Ziwan twitched her fingertips and raised her lips with a thin smile: "No!! I'm not doing business with you!! I'm here to ask for someone!!"

(End of this chapter)

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