Mad Queen

Chapter 163

Chapter 163
"An important person??" The man's pupils shrank: "So, you don't plan to spend money to buy it?!"

"Buy?? It's not impossible, it depends on your goods, is it worth the price you want!!"

When it came to money, the man's face became a little better: "I don't care who you are, I, Ma Jiu, only ask about the result when I do things, and don't care about the process!! If you want me to do things, or want someone in my hands, as long as there is Everything can be done with money!!"

"Ma Jiu?" Gu Ziwan searched in her mind, but couldn't find any information about this person.

In her previous life, most of her contacts were magicians, and she had very little contact with wizards, so she didn't know much about the people in that world.

"It's easy to earn my money!! As long as you have the person I want!!"

Gu Ziwan took out the purse and shook it loudly.

The sound of coins colliding made Ma Jiu grin, and wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth: "This sound is my favorite!!"

He raised his hand sideways, beckoning Gu Ziwan to come forward.

"My people are all inside, I don't know if there is someone you want!!"

The moment he turned around, a black spell slipped down his palm and he grasped it silently.

Behind the ancestral temple, there is an expanded space, pitch-black, with only sporadic candlelight jumping, gloomy and quite terrifying.

"Whether it's a puppet or a puppet, it needs to be placed in the most shady place, where there is little light and heat, otherwise it will affect their service life!!"

"Life span??" Gu Ziwan looked around calmly: "Aren't they dead? How come they still have life span?!"

"I'm talking about the service life!! They are walking corpses, and their bodies are equal to death. Once damaged, they cannot be repaired and healed by themselves, so when using them, be careful not to damage them! If there are more damages, the function will be greater Discount, when it is completely useless, it is tantamount to reaching the end of life!!"

Ma Jiu stood still and turned her head to signal Gu Ziwan to come forward.

"The puppet on the left and the puppet on the right, which one do you want?!"

On both sides of the room, there were two rows of people standing there, motionless, standing there quietly, staring blankly at the front.

Gu Ziwan quickly walked around the room, but still did not find her brother, she breathed a sigh of relief again, and slowly turned her head with evil eyes.

"Refining long will it take?!"

"One year..." A light flashed in Ma Jiu's eyes, and his smile gradually brightened, making his face look more ferocious: "Puppets are easy to handle, they are dead people, and they will do whatever you ask them to do!! But puppets No!! Puppets need living people to refine them, they will not obey your wishes!! Therefore, to refine them, you must destroy their will, which requires torturing them little by little and consuming them The desire to survive, and thus become that... body that is manipulated by you!!"

Gu Ziwan turned around abruptly: "This is it!! The person I was looking for fell into your hands a month ago!!"

She took out the purse and shook it gently: "So, I'm going to buy him back!!"

Ma Jiu chuckled, walked to the corner with a strange expression, and pressed on the mechanism.

"The person you want is below!!"


Under Gu Ziwan's feet, a crack burst open.

Unable to defend herself, she screamed and fell.

Ma Jiuyin walked forward with a smile: "You want someone from me?? You can talk about it after you come out alive!!"

(End of this chapter)

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