Mad Queen

Chapter 251

Chapter 251

"Brother Zhou! Shall we catch him?!"

The guard behind him murmured softly.

Gu Ziwan's figure was getting farther and farther away, if she didn't catch her, she would really have no chance!

"Catch the fart!!"

Zhou Dasheng didn't want to come and get all the stolen goods, but unfortunately he didn't have the courage.

"Are you blind? Can't see her attack?? Let's catch her, maybe the next person with a dagger in his neck will be you!"

The corners of the guards' mouths twitched.

"What now?"

The prince is right here, and the murder happened in front of him. Apart from the murderer's audacity, the prince's failure to keep everything is due to their inaction! !
"What else can I do? Report it truthfully!!"

Zhou Dasheng looked at the five motionless girls around him, and hurried over to test his breath.

"Alive, hurry up and save people!"

The guards stepped forward one after another, and hurriedly carried the five girls away.

For a moment, the originally quiet women's college suddenly caused an uproar.

Dean's interior.

Xuanyuan Yu Tian watched his nose, nose and heart, and listened to everyone's data report as calmly as water.

The noise outside is getting louder and louder, with the potential of jumping around.

Xuanyuan Yutian quietly looked at Situ Yao, and turned his head slightly.

Situ Yao understood, walked out quickly, and rushed in after a while.

But when he passed by Gu Yan, his footsteps stopped quietly, and he gave him a charming look.

"Your Highness..."

He hurried forward and whispered a few words in Xuanyuan Yutian's ear.

The moment Situ Yao saw it, Gu Yan sensed something was wrong, and subconsciously took a few steps forward.

Could it be that little girl Wan'er is causing trouble again? ?

But the prince is here, what else can she cause?

Listening to the movement outside, it seems that something is not small! !

Feeling up and down in his heart, he suddenly saw a smile on Xuanyuan Yutian's lips.

"In that case, let's hand over the matter to the Yamen of the capital!"


Situ Yao responded, bowed and withdrew, and when passing by Gu Yan, he motioned sideways quietly.

Gu Yan hurriedly bowed his head and saluted, then chased after Situ Yao.

In the women's college, there was chaos.

Everyone walked towards the west courtyard one after another, chatting about something.

"what happened?"

"I don't know! I heard that the tongue is gone!"

"Where is the person? Is the person dead?"

"The person is not dead, but the tongues of the five people are gone!!"

"Five people?? All gone?!"

"Yeah, this attack is really ruthless!!"


Gu Yan caught up with Situ Yao: "Brother Situ, what's going on?!"

Situ Yao looked around and lowered his voice: "Don't ask me what's going on, I still want to ask you what's going on?"


"That precious little sister of yours killed the Fourth Miss of General Chen's family, and even injured several young ladies of the adults' family, pulling out their tongues..."

Before Situ Yao finished speaking, Gu Yan turned around and ran away.

Situ Yao's voice came from behind.

"You'd better give me an explanation, otherwise no one can help her..."

Gu Yan didn't have the time to respond, there was only one thought in his mind, and that was that Gu Ziwan had caused trouble! !

Not to mention the tongues of the five ladies, just killing General Chen's daughter is enough to save her life! !

What Situ Yao meant was to ask him to take a step ahead and bring the news back so that the Gu family could respond in advance.

"Gu Ziwan!!"

Gu Yan gritted his teeth! !
This little girl is really capable of causing trouble! !

(End of this chapter)

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