Mad Queen

Chapter 252 This Is To Kill Her

Chapter 252 This Is To Kill Her
This is no ladder!

If there was a ladder, she might be able to go to the sky and poke a big hole in the sky! !
The anxious Gu Yan rushed home, and yelled loudly as soon as he entered the mansion.

"Gu Ziwan, come out for me!!"

Everyone in the Gu family +_+
Most of these people are old people in the Gu family, and they still understand the relationship between the siblings.

Since he was a child, he has always been a sister slave, and he dare not breathe heavily towards Gu Ziwan, let alone yell at him like that.

Yan Du flew up to meet him: "Master Yan, Miss is waiting for you in the study!"


Gu Yan scolded, and plunged into the study.

"Gu Ziwan, come here for me!!"

Gu Ziwan was curled up in the rattan chair in front of the desk, and after hearing this, she turned around leisurely, looking at him with cute black eyes.

"elder brother!"

One sentence, brother, called out half of Gu Yan's anger.

"Don't call me brother!! Tell me what's going on first?!"

Gu Ziwan's innocent face: "If you don't call your brother, why call you?"

Gu Yan waved his hand fiercely, with a calm and handsome face: "Don't interrupt!! Tell me!! What is going on at the Women's College?!"

Who knew that Gu Ziwan didn't buy it at all, and became more and more star-eyed: "Wow... Brother, when I find out that you are angry, it's so cute..."

Gu Yan -_-!
Can you speak well? !
What an angry person is most afraid of is encountering a soft rock. No matter how angry you are, they will not admit it or accept the move, and let your anger dissipate naturally invisibly.

Gu Yan is like this at this time.

Looking at Gu Ziwan's innocent and innocent expression, Gu Yan felt that it was a sin to speak so loudly.

Invisibly, the nature of the younger sister gradually filled her heart.

" don't come here!! Gu Ziwan, let me tell you, don't pretend to be innocent and pitiful to me, I won't accept your tricks!!"

Gu Yan tried his best to look tough, with a cold face, he waved his hands angrily.

"Do you know that the crown prince has already handed over your affairs to the Yamen of the capital!! When the time comes, General Chen and other adults will increase the pressure, and the Yamen of the capital will definitely punish you severely. At that time, I will see how you manage!!"

"The Yamen of the Beijing government??" Gu Ziwan finally had an IQ online and heard Gu Yan's warning.

"Yes!! The Yamen of the Beijing Government!!" Gu Yan roared fiercely: "When the Yamen of the Beijing Government gives an order, you can wait to be arrested. They will put you in prison and impose various punishments. Look at how your little body is going to suffer!!"

"Hehe..." Gu Ziwan laughed uncooperatively: "I thought who it was! It turned out to be Mrs. Li!! Brother, you probably don't know that I have already dealt with Li Miaoshan, right?!"

Gu Ziwan's black eyes flickered, her smile was like a flower, but in fact her heart was turbulent.

Why did Xuanyuan Yutian hand over her affairs to Li Miaoshan? ?
Doesn't he know that she and Li Miaoshan are rivals! !
This time, she fell into the hands of Li Miaoshan for the crime of homicide. In theory, it was equivalent to a sheep entering the tiger's mouth, and she was definitely close to death.

Xuanyuan Yutian is trying to kill her! !
"Why are you laughing?!" Gu Yan glared at her angrily, "How did you and Li Miaoshan know each other?"

"If you don't fight, you don't know each other..."

Gu Yanfang wanted to ask in detail, when he suddenly heard noisy voices from outside.

Listening to the sound and identifying the position should be a matter of the mansion gate.

Just as Gu Yan was about to leave, Gu Ziwan pressed her down: "Brother, go find your parents and tell them not to come out, and you don't want to interfere!! It's inappropriate for any of you to interfere in this matter!!"

(End of this chapter)

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