Mad Queen

Chapter 265 He Was Worse Than You

Chapter 265 He Was Worse Than You
The voice didn't fall--


He was punched hard in the face.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, all types A, B, and AB! !
Zhong Feiting felt that his head was like opening a blacksmith's shop, jingling bells were ringing, and his eyes turned into seven colors, everything he saw was colorful.

He staggered on his feet, bumping back and forth with his body precariously.


Before he could utter the second word, he was punched in the face again.


This time, in addition to the more intense colors, there are also small stars flying around in front of my eyes.

Zhong Feiting instinctively grabbed at the void, trying to grasp the support to stabilize his figure, but he knew that his arm was clamped by someone, and he threw it out suddenly.


His head fell to the ground and he almost passed out.

"Don't...don't hit me...I don't even know you, and I have no grievances with you, why did you hit me..."

Until now, he had only seen one face of the other party.

He didn't even know who he was, so he was brutally beaten.

"I don't know?? Then I will let you know!! My name is Yan Du, and I am from the Gu family!!"

Yan Du grabbed his skirt with one hand and brought it to his face.

"Now you know why I hit you?!"

Although Zhong Feiting was dizzy from being walked away, he immediately grabbed Yan Du's arm with his backhand and turned it violently.

" are obstructing official duties..."


After a turn, Yan Du's figure was not affected in the slightest, and he still stood there motionless.

"Obstruction of official duties?!"

Yan Du's cold eyes flashed a sarcasm, and he raised his fist again, hitting his cheek again.


Zhong Feiting squatted down covering his nose.

Yan Du flicked his wrist, condescending: "Excuse me, what did you just say obstructing official duties?? What is obstructing official duties? Does beating you mean obstructing official duties?!"

Without waiting for Zhong Feiting to talk nonsense, Yan Du already picked up his collar with his left hand, and punched him with his right hand, intending to punch him again.

"Don't, stop hitting!!"

Zhong Feiting had been beaten so badly that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his parents couldn't recognize him, and he spoke with a big tongue: "I am not targeting your second lady, but I was entrusted by others... If the second lady doesn't want to go, then forget it, there is no need to do this Those who did it... actually hurt the peace..."

"Harmony?!" Yan Du sneered, but he still didn't make a move after all, but threw him to the side with his hands: "Whose kindness has been hurt? Ours, or yours and that General Chen's?!"

Zhong Feiting rubbed his face and stood up, avoiding Yan Du ten steps away, only then did he feel a little safer.

"Everyone is a family, you can't see you when you look down, there's no need to be so stiff, right?! I used to be General Gu's subordinate..."

Yan Du interrupted him impatiently: "You don't have to play tricks!! It's a shame for our general to have a subordinate like you in the past!!"

The corner of Zhong Feiting's mouth couldn't help twitching, but he could only agree: "That's that... I don't mean anything else, I just think there's no need for both of us to kill each other, right? After all, the mastermind of this matter is General Chen... ..."

Having said that, he felt something was wrong.

Until now, he hadn't seen General Chen and his group of subordinates, and his face couldn't help but change slightly.

"Brother, if you have something to do, you can talk to General Chen, it has nothing to do with me..."

"General Chen?? Huh!!" Zhong Feiting sneered sinisterly: "Don't worry, he is worse than you!!"

(End of this chapter)

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